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AuthorZvizdic, Zlatan
AuthorHaxhija, Emir
AuthorChikha, Adisa
AuthorMilisic, Emir
AuthorJonuzi, Asmir
AuthorVranic, Semir
Available date2019-03-28T10:20:05Z
Publication Date2019-03-01
Publication NameKarger Publishers Open Access
CitationZvizdic Z. · Haxhija E. · Chikha A. · Milisic E. · Jonuzi A. · Vranic S. Laparoscopic Extirpation of Adrenal Gland Ganglioneuroma Incidentally Diagnosed During Evaluation for Patchy Alopecia Areata in an Adolescent Boy. 2019
AbstractWe present a 17-year-old boy with an incidentally diagnosed left adrenal ganglioneuroma (GN) during the diagnostic work up of alopecia areata (AA). Clinical Presentation and Intervention Laboratory investigations revealed only vitamin D deficiency. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed and GN was confirmed histologically. At follow-up, the vitamin D supplements improved the vitamin D levels followed by the gradual regression of AA. However, AA recurred 18 months later despite the normal serum vitamin D levels and no tumor recurrence. Conclusion. Further studies should reveal the relationship between AA and GN as well as the role of vitamin D in AA.
Subjectabdominal surgery
pediatric surgery
adrenal gland
TitleLaparoscopic Extirpation of Adrenal Gland Ganglioneuroma Incidentally Diagnosed During Evaluation for Patchy Alopecia Areata in an Adolescent Boy
dc.accessType Open Access

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