عرض بسيط للتسجيلة

المؤلفZlatan, Zvizdic
المؤلفMilisic, Emir
المؤلفJonuzi, Asmir
المؤلفVranic, Semir
تاريخ الإتاحة2021-06-23T05:39:13Z
تاريخ النشر2021-06-10
اسم المنشورAsian Journal of Surgery
الاقتباسZ. Zvizdic, E. Milisic, A. Jonuzi et al., Umbilical cord hernia associated with complete evagination of the patent omphalomesenteric duct and prolapse of adjacent ileal limbs, Asian Journal of Surgery, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asjsur.2021.05.022
الرقم المعياري الدولي للكتاب10159584
معرّف المصادر الموحدhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1015958421002992
معرّف المصادر الموحدhttp://hdl.handle.net/10576/20823
الملخصDear Editor, An umbilical cord hernia (UCH) [or congenital hernia of the umbilical cord (CHUC)], is a rare postnatal persistence of herniation of variable portions of the intestine into the umbilical cord. It represents normal physiological herniation in the early fetal life.1 A normal insertion of the cord characterizes UCH into the umbilical ring with intact skin covering the ring. The defect diameter is < 4 cm, contenting from intestinal loops to any movable intraperitoneal organs. The etiology of UHC remains unclear, but it is believed to arise from either persistent physiological mid-gut herniation or by a failure of contracture of the umbilical ring. The incidence of UCH is ~1:5000 with a male preponderance (3:1). UCH may be rarely associated with a persistent omphalomesenteric duct (POMD), Meckel's diverticulum, cloacal anomaly, type I colonic atresia, and type IIIb ileal atresia.1 Clinical symptoms of UCH may vary according to the herniated contents.
الموضوعUmbilical cord hernia
Patent omphalomesenteric duct
Ileal prolapse
العنوانUmbilical cord hernia associated with complete evagination of the patent omphalomesenteric duct and prolapse of adjacent ileal limbs
Open Access user License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
dc.accessType Open Access

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