Umbilical cord hernia associated with complete evagination of the patent omphalomesenteric duct and prolapse of adjacent ileal limbs
المؤلف | Zlatan, Zvizdic |
المؤلف | Milisic, Emir |
المؤلف | Jonuzi, Asmir |
المؤلف | Vranic, Semir |
تاريخ الإتاحة | 2021-06-23T05:39:13Z |
تاريخ النشر | 2021-06-10 |
اسم المنشور | Asian Journal of Surgery |
المعرّف | |
الاقتباس | Z. Zvizdic, E. Milisic, A. Jonuzi et al., Umbilical cord hernia associated with complete evagination of the patent omphalomesenteric duct and prolapse of adjacent ileal limbs, Asian Journal of Surgery, |
الرقم المعياري الدولي للكتاب | 10159584 |
الملخص | Dear Editor, An umbilical cord hernia (UCH) [or congenital hernia of the umbilical cord (CHUC)], is a rare postnatal persistence of herniation of variable portions of the intestine into the umbilical cord. It represents normal physiological herniation in the early fetal life.1 A normal insertion of the cord characterizes UCH into the umbilical ring with intact skin covering the ring. The defect diameter is < 4 cm, contenting from intestinal loops to any movable intraperitoneal organs. The etiology of UHC remains unclear, but it is believed to arise from either persistent physiological mid-gut herniation or by a failure of contracture of the umbilical ring. The incidence of UCH is ~1:5000 with a male preponderance (3:1). UCH may be rarely associated with a persistent omphalomesenteric duct (POMD), Meckel's diverticulum, cloacal anomaly, type I colonic atresia, and type IIIb ileal atresia.1 Clinical symptoms of UCH may vary according to the herniated contents. |
اللغة | en |
الناشر | Elsevier |
الموضوع | Umbilical cord hernia Patent omphalomesenteric duct Ileal prolapse |
النوع | Article |
Open Access user License | |
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