Now showing items 81-100 of 137

    • The impact of COVID-19 on Iranian politics 

      Zaccara, Luciano ( Bristol University Press , 2020 , Article)
      The first city officially affected by COVID-19 was Iran’s religious centre, Qom, on 19 February 2020. However, as this paper shows, Qom is not only the Islamic Republic’s most important city when it comes to religious ...
    • Funding liquidity risk and banks' risk-taking: Evidence from Islamic and conventional banks 

      Smaoui, Houcem; Mimouni, Karim; Miniaoui, Héla; Temimi, Akram ( Elsevier , 2020 , Article)
      The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of funding liquidity risk on the risk-taking behaviour of Islamic and conventional banks. Using bank-level and country-level data from 18 countries over the period ...
    • Iran’s Regional Role in the Arab World and Iranian State-Society Relations 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob; الزويري, محجوب ( Arab Reform Initiative , 2021 , Article)
      Iran’s regional role in MENA is influenced by the evolution of its state-society relations and shifts within its state institutions. This paper argues that the growing regional role of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ...
    • Contemporary Qatar : Examining State and Society 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob; Al Qawasmi, Farah; Abushouk, Ahmed Ibrahim; Al-Jaber, Khalid; Zaccara, Luciano; ... more authors ( Springer , 2021 , Book)
      This book addresses critical topics and unanswered questions on the contemporary state of Qatar. Drawing together a unique combination of authors that have researched the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in general, and the ...
    • Remembering 'The Blockade on Qatar': National Memory and the Assemblage of the Event 

      Viramontes, Erick ( Springer , 2021 , Book chapter)
      Amidst the reinvigoration of the discourse on national identity in Qatar since mid-1990s, the governments of neighboring countries, such as Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, announced the cessation of ...
    • Iran's Pragmatic Foreign Policy in Response to Regional Crises: The Case of the Blockade Against Qatar 

      Haghirian, Mehran ( Springer , 2021 , Book chapter)
      Iran has time and again adapted its foreign policy in response to regional crises and sought to take advantage of disorder to advance its national interests. Looking at Iran's response to Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait ...
    • The Gulf Blockade: A Fifth Qatari Economic Stage is Imminent 

      Ali, Moustafa Amin Mohammed ( Springer , 2021 , Book chapter)
      Certain challenges may unexpectedly play a significant role in saving countries from economic catastrophes, rather than aggravating them. This chapter briefly explores some of the crucial economic challenges that have ...
    • Competing Radicalisms: A Comparison of Saudi and Iranian Foreign Policies After 2015 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob; Al-Ansari, Majed ( Springer , 2021 , Book chapter)
      On 5 June 2017, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt initiated a blockade on the state of Qatar. While many justifications were offered for the blockade, the blockading countries, led by Saudi Arabia, ...
    • Underlined Vulnerabilities of the Gulf Region: A New Understanding 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob; Dogan-Akkas, Betul ( Springer , 2021 , Book chapter)
      The rift between the Gulf States that opened in 2017 has served to intensify centuries-old debates and tensions in the Middle East. The Gulf crisis has also engendered significant diplomatic tensions between GCC countries, ...
    • How the Iranian Regime Survived: Examining Internal and External Strategies 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob; Nassar, Yara ( SET VAKFI İktisadi İşletmesi, SETA VAKFI , 2021 , Article)
      Following the Trump Administration’s decision to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2018 and the reimposition of economic sanctions, Iran witnessed public unrest that threatened the survival ...
    • Iran-Saudi Relations: Is Pilgrimage a Mirror of Conflict? 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob ( European University Institute , 2021 , Book chapter)
      Executive Summary The Hajj (pilgrimage) is considered one of the pillars of the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia. This aspect of their relationship starkly mirrors the political and sectarian polarisation in ...
    • The 2017 Gulf Crisis: An Interdisciplinary Approach 

      Mahjoob, Zweiri; Mizanur Rahman, Md; Kamal, Arwa ( Springer , 2021 , Book)
      This book provides an overview of the origins, repercussions and projected future of the ongoing Gulf crisis, as well as an analysis of the major issues and debates relating to it. The Gulf region witnessed an extraordinary ...
    • العلاقات الأميركية - الإيرانية في ظل إدارة دونالد ترامب: التفاعلات والتبعات 

      الزويري, محجوب; سليمان, ميسر; Al Zweiri, Mahjoob; Suleiman, Muyassar ( المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات , 2021 , Article)
      ​تستند هذه الدراسة إلى فرضية مفادها أن الأزمة التي عرفتها العلاقات الأميركية - الإيرانية خلال فترة الرئيس الأميركي السابق دونالد ترامب، تمثل فصلًا مختلفًا في تطور حالة هذه الأزمة، وأن العداء الشديد يتعلق بالمشهد السياسي ...
    • Ideational Factors in Turkey’s Alignment with Qatar and Their Impact on Regional Security 

      Battaloglu, Nesibe Hicret ( Routledge , 2021 , Article)
      Turkey and Qatar have developed exceptionally cordial relations and aligned their foreign policies on many regional issues. In the 2017 Gulf crisis, despite the risk of incurring material losses and sacrificing relations ...
    • The Second Succession in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Change or Continuity? 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob; AlObaidan, Aljohara ( Taylor and Francis Group , 2021 , Article)
      The Supreme Leader has a significant role in determining political life in Iran. The analysis of this role is an integral part of studying Iranian domestic politics and foreign policy. The succession issue has been of ...
    • The Iranian foreign policy in turbulent times: The Arab uprisings, the nuclear deal and the GCC crisis 

      Zaccara, Luciano ( Asociación Española de Ciencia Política y de la Administración , 2021 , Article)
      Using the Foreign Policy Analysis framework and the concept of Authoritative Decision Units, this article analyzes three cases that required an Iranian response: the Arab Uprisings, the nuclear negotiations, and the 2017 ...
    • COVID-19 and Migrants in the GCC states: Challenges, responses and key lessons 

      Rahman, Md Mizanur ( College of Arts and Sciences - Gulf Studies Center , 2021 , Working Paper)
      As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, the GCC countries face an unprecedented challenge of controlling the spiralling COVID-19 cases. The challenge has become even more formidable in containing the virus among non-national ...
    • الأوبئة وتحديات الأمن الوطني في الدولة الحديثة: كوفيد-19 نموذجاً 

      الزويري, محجوب ( مركز الجزيرة للدراسات , 2021 , Article)
      تبحــث الدراســة العلاقــة بيــن الصحــة والأمــن في ضــوء أزمــة انتشــار جائحــة كوفيــد 19، باســتعراض شــتى الجوانــب الأمنيــة التــي لامســتها هــذه الجائحــة ومثّلـت تهديـدًا لهـا، ومـن ذلـك بشـكل أساسـي الأمن القومـي ...
    • Gender and Return Migration: Gulf Returnees in Ghana 

      Rahman, Md Mizanur; Salisu, Mohammed ( College of Arts and Sciences - Gulf Studies Center , 2021 , Working Paper)
      Labor migration in the Global South is generally conceived as a multidimensional process that comprises three distinct subprocesses: emigration, immigration, and return migration. There is growing consensus that return ...
    • Saudi Arabia–Pakistan Relations: An Age of Uncertainty or Decline? 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob; James, Thomas Bonnie ( SAGE Publications , 2021 , Article)
      This article aims to analyze the relationship between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia from 2015 when the latter refused to cooperate on the kingdom’s war in Yemen. The relationship can be understood through the dependency theory ...