• Peace Education in Canada:Teacher Perceptions of the Cultivating Peace Education Program 

      Elmi, Afyare Abdi ( University of Alberta , 2009 , Article)
      Many Muslims, Arabs, and other minority communities in Canada experienced the backlash of the September 11, 2001 events. Although these groups were discriminated against in a number of institutions, Muslim children in ...
    • La Convivencia: The Spirit of Co-existence in Islam 

      Chak, Farhan Mujahid ( Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad , 2009 , Article)
      The tremendous inter-dependence of our era underlines the importance of successfully removing racial, cultural and religious barriers in a manner that nurtures understanding, togetherness, and acceptance. To do so, would ...
    • The New Arab Media: Technology, Image and Perception 

      Mahjoob, Zweiri; Murphy, Emma C. ( Ithaca Press , 2011 , Book)
      The New Arab Media: Technology, Image and Perception provides a valuable introduction and analysis of some of the most important issues surrounding the new media revolution in the Middle East. In particular, the book ...
    • Qualitative Analysis of Student Perceptions of E-Portfolios in a Teacher Education Program 

      Parker, M.; Ndoye, A.; Ritzhaupt, Albert D. ( International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) , 2012 , Article)
      In the last decade, e-portfolios have moved to the forefront of teacher preparation programs across the United States. With its widespread use, faculty and administrators need to understand teacher candidates’ perspectives ...
    • ملف إيران والعرب: مراجعة في التاريخ والسياسة 

      بشارة, عزمي; الزويري, محجوب ( المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات , 2012 , Book)
      يكتسب كتاب "العرب وإيران: مراجعة في التاريخ والسياسة" أهمية خاصة؛ فهو من المؤلفات القليلة التي تعالج هذا الموضوع بشمولية ونقدية منذ أن اقتحمت إيران الحياة السياسية العربية بعد انتصار الثورة الإيرانية في سنة 1979، وخصوصًا ...
    • Iran's Foreign Policy: From Khatami to Ahmadinejad 

      Ehteshami, Anoushiravan; Zweiri, Mahjoob ( Ithaca Press , 2012 , Book)
      This timely collection of papers by leading academics and prominent government officials sheds new light on the foreign policy of Iran under President Khatami and on into the period of President Ahmadinejad. Iran's foreign ...
    • إيران والعرب في ظلال الدين والسياسة عبر التاريخ 

      الزويري, محجوب ( المركز العربي للأبحاث و دراسة السياسات , 2012 , Book chapter)
      تؤدي الجغرافيا دوراً أساسياً في تكوين وعي الأمم بعضها ببعض. ويتعزز دور الجغرافيا عندما تشتبك التجربة التاريخية لأكثر من أمة في مشتركات تحكم الفضاء الثقافي والسياسي والديني لتلك المجتمعات من دون استثناء إيران والعرب من هذه ...
    • Iran Under Ahmadinejad: When Crisis becomes a Pattern 

      Ehteshami, Anoushiravan; Zweiri, Mahjoob ( Ithaca Press , 2012 , Book chapter)
      Iran's foreign policy during this period was based on four fundamental principles: the rejection of all forms of foreign domination, the preservation of the independence of the country and its territorial integrity, the ...
    • Critiquing the Modern Western Theory of Knowledge and Insights into a Qur’anic Epistemology 

      Chak, Farhan Mujahid ( International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) , 2012 , Article)
      This article compares and contrasts a western post-Enlightenment theory of knowledge with a Qur’anic epistemology. It first analyzes the development of post-Enlightenment epistemology, which resulted in the disappearance ...
    • ePortfolio Integration in Teacher Education Programs: Does Context Matter from a Student Perspective? 

      Ndoye, Abdou; Parker, Michele A.; Ritzhaupt, Albert D. ( IGI Global , 2012 , Book chapter)
      Though ePortfolios have grown in acceptance by teacher education programs across the United States, there still remain many questions regarding whether the tools are meeting student and teacher education program needs. ...
    • إيران "الثوريّة" والثّورات العربيّة: ملاحظات بشأن السّياسة الخارجيّة الإيرانيّة ومآلاتها 

      الزويري, محجوب; Zweiri, Mahjoob ( المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات , 2012 , Article)
      عام وبضعة شهور تنقضي على ما تعارف عليه أهل السّياسة والإعلام وقبلهم من قاموا بالفعل نفسه "بالرّبيع العربي"[1]. وعلى الرّغم من أنّ المصطلح لم يكن في الأصل عربيًّا، لكنّه وجد له مكانةً في الذّهنيّة العربيّة، ربّما لما تحمله ...
    • Negotiating an End to Somalia's War with al Shabaab Why Military Solutions Aren't Enough: Why Military Solutions Aren't Enough 

      Elmi, Afyare Abdi; Aynte, Abdi ( Council on Foreign Relations , 2012 , Article)
      In August 2011, after three years of fighting, forces backing the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) took control of the Somali capital of Mogadishu. Although this was a welcome development, it was a short-term ...

      Ndoye, Abdou; RITZHAUPT, ALBERT DIETER; Parker, MICHELE A. ( Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development , 2012 , Article)
      This study explored the perceptions of principals involved in the hiring process of K–12 teachers in 11 counties in southeastern North Carolina. Forty-nine principals responded to a survey on ePortfolio use in the hiring ...
    • Islam, Religion and Society: The Movement for Pakistan 

      Chak, Farhan ( Common Ground Research Networks , 2012 , Article)
      The relationship between the sacred and temporal has been an enduring phenomenon throughout history. Both in ancient and medieval times, religion and the formation of society, including the politicization of religion into ...
    • فقه الضحية‮ : المعضلة الشيعية في ظل الصحوة العربية الثالثة‮ 

      الزويري, محجوب ( مؤسسة الأهرام , 2013 , Article)
      يركز هذا التحليل على التطورات التي صاحبت صحوة العرب الثالثة، لاسيما المرتبط منها بالأقليات الدينية التي تصنف على أنها أقلية، مقارنة بالمحيط البشري الذي تعيش وتتفاعل فيه، والتركيز في هذه الورقة يكون مسلطا على الشيعة في ...

      Fattah, Hala; Badem, Candan ( Cambridge University Press , 2013 , Article Review)
      From 1891 to 1911, a disenfranchised shaykh of the Muntafiq tribe, Saʿdun al-Mansur, led a large uprising against Ottoman rule in southern Iraq. Feeling that he had been disinherited from properties that were his birthright, ...
    • Developing Culturally Aware School Leaders: Measuring the Impact of an International Internship Using the MGUDS 

      Richardson, Jayson, W.; Imig, Scott; Ndoye, Abdou ( SAGE Publications , 2013 , Article)
      Developing globally minded citizens has become a national push and a stated priority for many higher education institutions in the United States. This article focuses on one university’s efforts to develop globally minded ...
    • Promoting Learning Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education : Factors of Success 

      Ndoye, Abdou ( Penn State University Press , 2013 , Article)
      This article presents results of a study on factors that contribute to successful learning outcomes assessment practices. This qualitative study uses the case study method to analyze factors of success in higher education ...
    • ایران و نظرية : جدولة الخصوم 

      الزويري, محجوب (2014 , Article)
      لم تثر دولة في علاقاتها وتحالفاتها في الشرق الأوسط المعاصر مثل جمهورية ايران الاسلامية. فالنظام السياسي الذي بدا بخطاب ثوري غير متسامح مع كل قوى الاستكبار والمتحالفين معها معلنا ان شرعيته في الداخل والخارج مستمدة من مساندة ...
    • Islam, the West and ‘Man’ in the State of Nature 

      Chak, Farhan Mujahid ( German Orient-Institute , 2014 , Article)
      What is the natural condition of human beings in the state of nature? What are the circumstances that exist in the state of nature and what may one, convincingly, claim in regards to human nature? Or, better still, how do ...