• The impact of COVID-19 on Iranian politics 

      Zaccara, Luciano ( Bristol University Press , 2020 , Article)
      The first city officially affected by COVID-19 was Iran’s religious centre, Qom, on 19 February 2020. However, as this paper shows, Qom is not only the Islamic Republic’s most important city when it comes to religious ...
    • Iran 2018: The year of living dangerously 

      Zaccara, Luciano ( Viella editrice , 2018 , Article)
      Two developments marked the year 2018; the re-imposition of unilateral sanctions by the United States, which under President Donald Trump decided to abandon the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA); and the protests, ...
    • Iran Under Ahmadinejad: When Crisis becomes a Pattern 

      Ehteshami, Anoushiravan; Zweiri, Mahjoob ( Ithaca Press , 2012 , Book chapter)
      Iran's foreign policy during this period was based on four fundamental principles: the rejection of all forms of foreign domination, the preservation of the independence of the country and its territorial integrity, the ...
    • Iran-Saudi Relations: Is Pilgrimage a Mirror of Conflict? 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob ( European University Institute , 2021 , Book chapter)
      Executive Summary The Hajj (pilgrimage) is considered one of the pillars of the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia. This aspect of their relationship starkly mirrors the political and sectarian polarisation in ...

      Zaccara, L. ( RUDN University , 2018 , Article)
      The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the most active players in the framework of South- South cooperation. During the Cold War period Iran treated South-South cooperation as an instrument for providing an independent ...
    • Iran’s Regional Role in the Arab World and Iranian State-Society Relations 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob; الزويري, محجوب ( Arab Reform Initiative , 2021 , Article)
      Iran’s regional role in MENA is influenced by the evolution of its state-society relations and shifts within its state institutions. This paper argues that the growing regional role of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ...
    • Iran’s Relations with the Arab States of the Gulf: Common Interests over Historic Rivalry 

      Warnaar, Maaike; Zaccara, Luciano; Aarts, Paul ( Gerlan Press , 2016 , Book)
      Iran’s relations with its neighbours have never been smooth. During the monarchy, for example, while Iran cultivated close relations with Saudi Arabia it at the same time competed with Riyadh for control of the oil market ...
    • Lifting Sanctions on Iran: Shifting Sands or Major Earthquake? 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob ( Al Sharq Strategic Research , 2016 , Article)
      The nuclear deal and its ramifications have added new elements of tensions between the Islamic Republic and the Gulf States. The lifting of the sanctions will be a significant addition to Iran’s financial capacity, which ...

      Zaccara, Luciano ( AWRAQ Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo , 2016 , Article)
      Relations between Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf Cooperation Council (gcc) countries and Iraq have been determined by the role that Iraq has played, both during the era of Saddam Hussein and after his fall. Having ...
    • The foreign policies of the small Gulf states: An exception in small states' behaviours? 

      Almezaini, Khalid S.; Rickli, Jean-Marc ( Taylor and Francis , 2016 , Book chapter)
      This chapter discusses the emergence of the small Gulf States as small powers in the region and concludes by assessing the sustainability of the small Gulf States' foreign and security policies. Iran is the second regional ...
    • The Impact of the 2022 FIFA World Cup on Iran: A Clean Sheet for Scoring Political Points 

      Tazmini, Ghoncheh ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2022 , Conference Paper)
      In this discussion, I examine the impact of Iran's qualification in the 2022 FIFA World Cup on the Iranian community. With the event being hosted in Qatar, a nation with which Iran has favourable diplomatic relations, ...
    • Yemen in the Context of Iran-Gulf Relations 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob ( Gerlach Press , 2018 , Book chapter)
      During the Arab Spring issues and tensions in the Middle East which appeared to have been overcome resurfaced and worsened. Since its eruption in early 2011 in Yemen, Middle East traditional and emerging powers made strategic ...