السجلات المعروضة 101 -- 120 من 137

    • Economic Drivers of the GCC Investments in the Horn of Africa Region 

      Miniaoui, Héla ( Gulf Studies Center , 2019 , Other)
      This paper discusses the economic drivers of the GCC investments in the Horn of Africa region.
    • Funding liquidity risk and banks' risk-taking: Evidence from Islamic and conventional banks 

      Smaoui, Houcem; Mimouni, Karim; Miniaoui, Héla; Temimi, Akram ( Elsevier , 2020 , Article)
      The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of funding liquidity risk on the risk-taking behaviour of Islamic and conventional banks. Using bank-level and country-level data from 18 countries over the period ...
    • Food Security in the GCC Countries: Towards a More Diversified and Sustainable Economic Development 

      Al-Handhali, Khalil; Miniaoui, Héla ( Springer Nature , 2020 , Book chapter)
      This chapter examines the challenges and opportunities for food security in GCC countries and shed lights on the strategies undertaken by these countries to enhance their domestic food security. These include the measures ...
    • Economic Development in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: From Rentier States to Diversified Economies 

      Miniaoui, Héla ( Springer Nature , 2020 , Book)
      This book delves into the economic development of the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Since the 1960s, the GCC states have harnessed their potential to exploit the wealth accrued from the oil boom to build ...
    • Principal selection for Qatar's government schools: Policy makers', principals' and teachers' perspectives 

      Romanowski, Michael H; Sadiq, Hissa; Abu-Tineh, Abdullah M; Ndoye, Abdou; Aql, Mofed ( SAGE Publications Ltd , 2019 , Article)
      Research indicates that principals are critical in school reform since the implementation of policies and practices is to a large extent determined by the role that principals play in educational change. This study examines ...
    • Kuwait Islamists: From Institutionalized to Informal Opposition 

      Zaccara, Luciano ( ministry of research, science and technology , 2019 , Article)
      This article analyses the evolution of the Islamist political associations and groups, both Shiites and Sunnis since the independence of Kuwait in 1962 to the last legislative elections which was held in 2016. It tries to ...
    • Iran and the Intra-GCC Crisis: Risks and Opportunities 

      Zaccara, Luciano ( foundation for european progressive studies , 2019 , Article)
      The intra-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) crisis started in late May 2017 with the blockade implemented by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt against Qatar, due to its alleged support for terrorist ...
    • La República Islámica de Irán en perspectiva 

      Zaccara, Luciano ( Fundación Dialnet , 2019 , Article)
      En febrero de 2019 la República Islámica de Irán acaba de cumplir cuarenta años de edad. Lejos queda la imagen del ayatollah Ruhollah Jomeiní regresando a Teherán desde su exilio en Neauphle le Châteaux, recibido en clamor ...
    • Cambio y estabilidad política en las monarquías del Golfo tras la Primavera Árabe 

      Zaccara, Luciano; Saldana, Marta ( CIDOB BARCELONA CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS , 2015 , Article)
      The states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), aided by their rentier nature, have survived as authoritarian regimes until now. Nevertheless, the desire of significant sectors of society for political liberalisation was ...

      Zaccara, Luciano ( LIMESONLINE , 2018 , Article)
      La grande diversità geografica, etnica e linguistica costringe l’Iran a mantenere accentrato il potere politico ed economico lungo l’asse Teheran-Qom-Mashhad. A farne le spese, le province al confine con Iraq e Pakistan. ...
    • Las políticas de ciudadanía en los estados del Consejo de Cooperación del Golfo 

      Zaccara, Luciano; Saldana, Marta ( Grupo de Estudios de Relaciones Internacionales (GERI) , 2017 , Article)
      This article explores the legal frameworks of citizenship and naturalization of the six states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and analyzes how they have been used since the creation of modern states to the present, with ...

      Zaccara, Luciano ( AWRAQ Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo , 2016 , Article)
      Relations between Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf Cooperation Council (gcc) countries and Iraq have been determined by the role that Iraq has played, both during the era of Saddam Hussein and after his fall. Having ...
    • The challenges of Rohani’s second term 

      Zaccara, Luciano ( TEPSA - Trans European Policy Studies Association , 2017 , Report)
      The renewed mandate of Hassan Rohani, begun on 3 August, represents continuity on the road to moderation both at home and abroad. However, despite a more reformist government than the last, no significant change is expected ...
    • Iran’s Permanent Quest for Regional Power Status 

      Zaccara, Luciano ( Palgrave Macmillan , 2016 , Book chapter)
      Iran has been searching for regional power status in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf, independent of regime type, since the 1970s. During the era of the last Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and the first decade of the ...
    • Kuwait’s Islamist Proto-parties and the Arab Uprisings: Between Opposition, Pragmatism and the Pursuit of Cross-Ideological Cooperation 

      Zaccara, Luciano; Freer, Courtney; Kraetzschmar, Hendrik ( edinburgh university press , 2018 , Book chapter)
      Exploring the evolution of Islamist proto-parties in Kuwait, this chapter revealed that in the aft ermath of the Arab uprisings their behaviour was guided mostly by pragmatism, albeit with diff erent outcomes. As we have ...
    • The Role of the GCC Countries in Ending Piracy in the Horn of Africa 

      Elmi, Afyare; Mohammed, Said ( Center for Research and Policy Studies , 2016 , Article)
      Piracy in the Horn of Africa has had a far-reaching security and economic impact both globally and regionally. The World Bank estimated that between 2008 and 2012, the global economy lost $18 billion annually due to Somali ...
    • Developing an Inclusive Citizenship in Somalia: Challenges and Opportunities 

      Elmi, Afyare A. (2017 , Article)
      In today’s world, citizenship is linked to the modern nation-state system. Although there is a rich literature on the concept of citizenship, in Somalia, it is a new idea that is contested and poorly understood by the ...
    • Decentralized Unitary System: A Possible Middle Ground for Somalia 

      Elmi, Afyare ( Center for Research and Policy Studies , 2015 , Article)
      The debate over a suitable governance model for Somalia is re-examined using material gleaned from interviews, focus-groups, document analyses and literature. Analysis first identifies four domestic grievances – trust-deficit, ...
    • Iran 2017: From Rouhani’s Reelection To The December Protests 

      Zaccara, Luciano ( Asia Maior , 2017 , Article)
      The 2017 was a challenging year for the President Hassan Rouhani despite his reelection. The Presidential and Municipal elections in May represented a clear and strong support for his administration and the nuclear deal ...
    • Illegal Fishing and Piracy in the Horn of Africa: The Role of the MENA region 

      Elmi, Afyare A. ( Oxford University Press (OUP) , 2018 , Book chapter)
      The Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean have always been vital routes for world navigation and traveling. These waters are particularly important for most of the countries in the Middle East and North Africa. This ...