Towards fossil free cities – Emission assessment of food and resources consumption with the FEWprint carbon accounting platform
المؤلف | Pieter Nick, ten Caat |
المؤلف | Tenpierik, Martin J. |
المؤلف | Sanyal, Tithi |
المؤلف | Tillie, Nico M.J.D. |
المؤلف | van den Dobbelsteen, Andy A.J.F. |
المؤلف | Thün, Geoffrey |
المؤلف | Cullen, Sean |
المؤلف | Nakayama, Shun |
المؤلف | Karanisa, Theodora |
المؤلف | Monti, Stewart |
تاريخ الإتاحة | 2022-05-16T06:23:27Z |
تاريخ النشر | 2022-03-31 |
اسم المنشور | Cleaner Environmental Systems |
المعرّف | |
الاقتباس | ten Caat, Pieter Nick, Martin J. Tenpierik, Tithi Sanyal, Nico MJD Tillie, Andy AJF van den Dobbelsteen, Geoffrey Thün, Sean Cullen, Shun Nakayama, Theodora Karanisa, and Stewart Monti. "Towards fossil free cities–Emission assessment of food and resources consumption with the FEWprint carbon accounting platform." Cleaner Environmental Systems 4 (2022): 100074. |
الرقم المعياري الدولي للكتاب | 26667894 |
الملخص | Current urbanization rates concentrate the ever growing demand for food, energy and water (FEW) resources particularly in cities, making them one of the main drivers of greenhouse gas emissions. The FEW nexus integrative approach offers a potential framework for sustainable resource management in cities. However, existing nexus evaluation tools are limited in application and often inadequate. This is primarily due to the FEW nexus intricacy, the tools’ operational complexity and/or the need to input comprehensive data that is often unavailable to users. Having outlined these current gaps, this paper introduces the FEWprint, an integrated carbon accounting platform that provides an accessible process for FEW nexus-based evaluations of urban areas. This spreadsheet-based framework is employed to calculate a consumption-based footprint derived from food consumption, thermal/electrical energy use, car fuel demand, water management, and domestic waste processing. A comparative assessment between six different communities reveals significant differences in total annual emissions. The food sector impact shows emissions ranging between 993Kg/cap∗yr and 1366Kg/cap∗yr in Amsterdam and Tokyo respectively, but is also the least deviating from all considered resource sectors. This holistic carbon footprint and considered food inventory will serve as a baseline for future integrated urban farming strategies and urban design proposals to be tested. |
راعي المشروع | The study is part of the SUGI/M-Nex research (acronym for Moveable Nexus). M-Nex is a joint effort supported by the Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (SUGI) programme and was granted funding by the Belmont Forum and the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe (project No. 11314551). The research project is extensively described in Yan and Roggema (2019) and more information can be found in the project website The authors want express their gratitude to their national funding agencies for making this research possible: Dutch Research Council (NWO) - No. 438-17-404 (TU Delft), ESRC/AHRC -No. ES/S002197/1 and Innovate UK - No. 620144 (Queens University Belfast), Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) - N° BFSUGI01-1120-170005 (Qatar University), U.S. NSF - No. 1832214 (University of Michigan) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) - N°JPMJBF1702 (KEIO University). The authors wish to thank the project coordinator Prof. Wanglin Yan from KEIO university and the principle investigators: Prof. Sami Sayadi, Prof. Greg Keeffe and Prof. Rob Roggema for their support. Finally, special thanks goes out to Kevin Logan from Maccreanor Lavington. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding organisations. |
اللغة | en |
الناشر | Elsevier |
الموضوع | Nexus Carbon accounting Sustainable cities Urban food production Assessment model Carbon emissions |
النوع | Article |
رقم المجلد | 4 |
Open Access user License | |
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