Browsing Center for Sustainable Development Research by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 332
A comparative physicochemical property assessment and techno-economic analysis of biolubricants produced using chemical modification and additive-based routes
( Elsevier , 2022 , Article)Several edible and non-edible oil sources are currently being developed as renewable basestocks for biolubricant production. However, these feedstocks possess undesirable physicochemical properties limiting their lubricant ... -
A comparative study of the growth of Tetraselmis sp. in large scale fixed depth and decreasing depth raceway ponds
( Elsevier Ltd , 2016 , Article)In this study, an alternative approach was proposed where excess seawater would be added only during inoculation (DD) rather than daily addition (FD). Growth and metabolite contents of Tetraselmis sp. weren't affected for ... -
A Design-led FEWW Nexus Approach For Qatar University
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)Demographic explosion, climate change, urbanization, change of life quality, and food demand have put extra pressure on Food, Energy, Water, and Waste (FEWW) resources.A special focus has been placed on university campuses ... -
A feasibility study of utilizing hydrothermal liquefaction derived aqueous phase as nutrients for semi-continuous cultivation of Tetraselmis sp.
( Elsevier Ltd , 2020 , Article)The feasibility of substituting 50% nutrients by aqueous phase liquid (APL), derived from hydrothermal liquefaction of Tetraselmis sp. biomass, in a semi-continuous cultivation of Tetraselmis sp. was studied. Growth ... -
A novel electrocoagulation electrode configuration for the removal of total organic carbon from primary treated municipal wastewater
( Springer , 2020 , Article)In this paper, the removal of total organic carbon (TOC) from a primary treated municipal wastewater using a new electrode configuration in electrocoagulation was evaluated. The used electrode configuration induces a ... -
Abiotic stress applied to Tetraselmis subcordiformis reveals enhanced metabolic responses and increased production of Omega-3 fatty acids: A Metabolomic approach
( Elsevier , 2023 , Article)The appeal of high value algal metabolites is certain due to their sustainability, low energy and space requirements. Yet, commercial-level production of such products is limited and has the potential to be enhanced. In ... -
( International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference , 2021 , Conference)There are two main sources of activated carbon production - coal and lignocelullosic materials. Recently, scientists have been focused on activated carbon preparation based on agricultural waste and lignocelluloses materials, ... -
Agricultural applications
( Elsevier , 2023 , Book chapter)The agro-industrial activities related to the three most cultivated palm tree species worldwide namely, oil palm, date palm, and coconut palm generate a large amount of residues during pre- and post-harvest processes. ... -
Algae-derived bioactive compounds with anti-lung cancer potential
( MDPI , 2020 , Article Review)Lung cancer is one of the major causes of death worldwide. Natural molecules with anti-lung cancer potential are of a great interest and considered as very promising alternative to substitute or enhance the efficiency of ... -
Algal-algal bioflocculation enhances the recovery efficiency of Picochlorum sp. QUCCCM130 with low auto-settling capacity
( Elsevier B.V. , 2023 , Article)Large-scale production of microalgal biomass is still considered non-viable due to the high cost and energy required for harvesting. A fast, cost-effective, and successful harvesting technique has become widely sought after ... -
Algal-algal bioflocculation enhances the recovery efficiency of Picochlorum sp. QUCCCM130 with low auto-settling capacity
( Elsevier B.V. , 2023 , Article)Large-scale production of microalgal biomass is still considered non-viable due to the high cost and energy required for harvesting. A fast, cost-effective, and successful harvesting technique has become widely sought after ... -
An overview of 2D metal sulfides and carbides as Na host materials for Na-ion batteries
( Elsevier , 2023 , Article Review)Both sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) and lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) operate on a similar principle and are striking for energy storage purposes. Although some electrode materials adapt favorably to LIBs, they are not pertinent ... -
Anaerobic Digestion of Olive MillWastewater and Process Derivatives—Biomethane Potential, Operation of a Continuous Fixed Bed Digester, and Germination Index
( MDPI , 2023 , Article)Olive mill wastewater (OMW) management is an economic and environmental challenge for olive oil-producing countries. The recovery of components with high added value, such as antioxidants, is a highly researched approach ... -
Application note—A novel, low-cost pH-controlled solenoid-based CO2 dosing device for microalgal and cyanobacterial cultivation systems
( Elsevier B.V. , 2024 , Article)This application note proposes a novel, low-cost, pH-controlled solenoid-based CO2 dosing device for microalgal and cyanobacterial cultivation systems. The device consists of an Arduino-Uno microcontroller, a (ph-4502c) ... -
Application of Cyanobacteria ( sp.) Liquid Extract for the Alleviation of Salt Stress in Bell Pepper ( L.) Plants Grown in a Soilless System.
( MDPI , 2021 , Article)Salinity is one of the abiotic stresses that affect crop growth and productivity in arid and semi-arid regions. Unfortunately, there are few known methods to mitigate the deleterious impacts of salt stress on the development ... -
Applications, advancements, and challenges of cyanobacteria-based biofertilizers for sustainable agro and ecosystems in arid climates
( Elsevier , 2024 , Article)Based on the increasing world population, the food demands have tremendously increased. Chemical-based conventional agricultural practices will be required to fulfill the food demands, which will damage the soil and create ... -
Aquaculture from inland fish cultivation to wastewater treatment: a review
( Springer Nature , 2023 , Article)The aquaculture industry is rapidly developing, generating a high amount of wastewater. Inland aquaculture effluents contain nutrients and other substances that can cause eutrophication and the emergence of resistive ... -
Assessing Desalination Governance and the Promise of Technology in the Arabian Peninsula
( AL SHARQ STRATEGIC RESEARCH , 2023 , Book chapter)Desalination is expected to grow across the Middle East and North Africa due to increased water scarcity. The cost of desalinated water has decreased significantly over the last decades, but it has not reflected the ... -
Assessing the role and use of recycled aggregates in the sustainable management of construction and demolition waste via a mini-review and a case study
( SAGE Publications , 2020 , Article)Rapid industrial development, mega construction projects and increased immigration are some of the reasons that the State of Qatar has recently generated an unprecedented amount of construction and demolition (C&D) waste ... -
Assessment of novel halo- and thermotolerant desert cyanobacteria for phycobiliprotein production
( Elsevier , 2022 , Article)Four indigenous cyanobacteria isolates identified as QUCCCM 34: Chroococcidiopsis sp., QUCCCM 54: Pleurocapsa sp., QUCCCM 77: Euhalothece sp., and QUCCCM 129: Cyanobacterium sp. were investigated during this study. ...