Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Magnetorheological damper with external excitation for more efficient control of vehicles? dynamics
SAGE Publications Ltd
, 2018 , Article)
This article presents a new concept design for magnetorheological dampers, where the excitation circuit and magnetic field are applied from outside the magnetorheological chamber. This magnetorheological damper was designed ...
Evaluating the effect of seasonal variations on walking behaviour in a hot weather country using logistic regression
, 2018 , Article)
The city of Doha, Qatar experiences a hot and arid weather throughout the year. This study investigates the effect of season, type of day, and time of day on the walking behaviour of pedestrians in these conditions using ...
An integrated dynamical modeling perspective for infrastructure resilience
, 2018 , Article)
© 2018 by the authors This paper considers a dynamical way to connect resilience outcomes and processes by nesting process-based approaches inside a controlled dynamical system under resource constraints. To illustrate ...
A mini review on percent time-spent-following (PTSF) as the service measure for two-lane highways
Komunitas Ilmuwan dan Profesional Muslim Indonesia
, 2018 , Article)
Percent Time Spent Following (PTSF) is used by the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) as one of the service measures to assess the level-of-service of two-lane highways since the 2000 edition. But, the problem facing to estimate ...
Prediction of Traffic Conflicts at Signalized Intersections using SSAM
, 2018 , Article)
The use of microsimulation to model the vehicles movement and pedestrian movements within a traffic network is widely undertaken to test and evaluate operational performance of a traffic network under different traffic ...
Attitudes towards road safety among pre-drivers: The case of Qatar
IEOM Society
, 2018 , Conference)
A preliminary study involving school students aged 12-18 years attempted to test whether there is difference in attitudes towards road safety between Arab and non-Arab respondents. The sampled participants were categorized ...
Applied Internet of Things IoT: Car monitoring system for Modeling of Road Safety and Traffic System in the State of Qatar
Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press)
, 2018 , Conference)
One of the most interesting new approaches in the transportation research field is the Naturalistic Driver Behavior which is intended to provide insight into driver behavior during everyday trips by recording details about ...
Regional Well-to-Wheel Carbon, Energy, and Water Footprint Analysis of Electric Vehicles
Atlantis Press
, 2018 , Conference)
Adoption of alternative vehicle technologies such as electric vehicles (EVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) have the potential of reducing some of the environmental impacts ...
A Real Case-Based Study Exploring Influence of Human Age and Gender on Drivers’ Behavior and Traffic Safety
Springer Verlag
, 2018 , Conference)
The demand for understanding the functional relationship between changes in traffic safety level and human-related factors has increased remarkably due to a steady increase in population and traffic volume. Motor vehicle ...
Sustainability Performance Simulation of the U.S. Urban Mobility Policies
(2018 , Conference)
Heavy dependence on personal vehicle usage in the U.S. has made the transportation sector one of the greatest contributors to air pollutant emissions the associated human health concerns. The transportation mode choices ...