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AuthorAntunes, Ana
AuthorPopelka, Anton
AuthorLuyt, Adriaan Stephanus
AuthorMahmoud, Abdelrahman
AuthorAljarod , Omar Yosef
AuthorHassan, Mohamed
AuthorKasak, Peter
Available date2023-02-02T04:34:12Z
Publication Date2022
Publication NameExpress Polymer Letters
AbstractPoly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) is a polyester, produced naturally by microorganisms, with excellent biocompatibility. Corona and radio-frequency (RF) plasma treatment were applied in order to improve the degradation process of PHBV. Samples were subjected to an accelerated weathering test for 500, 1000, and 2000 h of weathering exposure and to natural weathering for one year. Various analytical, spectroscopic, and microscopic techniques have been used to analyze the degradation process. This study revealed that corona and RF plasma treatment acted as a hydrolytic and ultraviolet light (UV) degradation promoter for PHBV. Both plasma treatments chemically modify the PHBV surface resulting in better wettability contributing to the hydrolytic degradation. Microscopic analysis revealed a rougher defects-containing surface of plasma-treated PHBV in comparison with untreated PHBV after the degradation process, promoting deeper water diffusion and UV penetration. The photo-and hydrolytic degradation caused significant surface changes of plasma-treated PHBV after 2000 h of accelerated weathering and one year of natural weathering. Moreover, deterioration in mechanical properties has been more pronounced in the RF plasma-treated samples. These results demonstrate the potential use of plasma treatment on improving the degradability of PHBV.
SponsorTh is publication was supported by th e Qatar University Collaborative Grant No. QUCG-CAM 19/20-3. Th e findings ach ieved h erein are solely th e responsibility of th e auth ors. SEM analysis was accom plish ed in th e Central Laboratories unit, Qatar University.
PublisherBME-PT and GTE
SubjectAccelerated degradation
Biodegradable polymers
Mechanical properties
Natural weathering
Plasma treatment
TitleImpact of corona and radio-frequency plasma treatment on the degradation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV)
Issue Number4
Volume Number16
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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