A New Type of Boost Converter with Dual Duty and High Gain for DC Microgrid Applications
Sadaf, ShimaIqbal, Atif
Meraj, Mohammad
Maroti, Pandav Kiran
Samiullah, Md.
Khan, Irfan
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A new high-gain Switched Inductor DC/DC Boost converter with dual duty is proposed in this paper for DC Microgrid applications. Two non-isolated inductors forming a switched inductor structure have been incorporated in the proposed topology, which is being charged in parallel and discharged in series. There are three working modes of the proposed converter which are controlled by two switches with two distinct duty cycles of low values to utilize a broad duty cycle range. A dual-duty converter exhibits flexibility in duty cycle selection as compared to a single duty converter for the switch to attain the required level of output voltage and controls the magnitude of inductor current ripple by selecting the duty cycle values appropriately. The dual-duty control property of the proposed converter facilitates the control through multiple control options. The benefits of the proposed circuit are 1) Dual duty ratio control and the high voltage gain, 2) Continuous input current, 3) Load and source ends are connected to a common ground. The circuit description, working theory, analysis of voltage gain in steady-state during the continuous conduction mode (CCM), mathematical analysis, and experimental results are presented for the proposed converter topology. To experimentally analyze and validate the performance of the proposed converter a prototype (500 W) is developed in the laboratory. 2022 IEEE.
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