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AuthorKhawla, chouchene
Authorda Costa, Joao Pinto
AuthorChamkha, Mohamed
AuthorKsibi, Mohamed
AuthorSayadi, Sami
Available date2023-08-29T07:31:45Z
Publication Date2023-09-30
Publication NameTrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry
AbstractMicroplastics (MPs) pose a global threat to marine ecosystems, little is known about the factors that influence their bioavailability. Microplastics have the ability to adsorb contaminants from the environment, as well as to act as vectors for toxicants and pathogens. This is why addressing MPs' physicochemical properties, as well as toxicological concerns, bioavailability, and environmental impact, is critical. Furthermore, the biological response to MPs is difficult to interpret and is yet to be successfully related to MPs inherent physical and chemical characteristics, including shape, size, and chemical structure. Thus, ecotoxicological effects on (marine) organisms, both by themselves and when associated with other pollutants, should be studied not only at individual but also at the populational and community levels.Herein, we summarize the current research on the interactions of MPs with aquatic organisms and related chemicals, such as additives and heavy metals. Additionally, knowledge gaps, and future research opportunities, are highlighted.
SponsorKhawla Chouchene acknowledges financial support from the Sfax Center of Biotechnology through a Postdoctoral contract. JPC thanks the financial support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under contract 2021.00909.CEECIND. The financial support to CESAM by FCT/MCTES (UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020+LA/P/0094/2020), through national funds, is also acknowledged, as well as funding for BioPlasMar (PTDC/CTA-AMB/0934/2021).
Aquatic ecosystems
TitleEffects of microplastics’ physical and chemical properties on aquatic organisms: State-of-the-art and future research trends
Volume Number166
dc.accessType Full Text

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