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AuthorHasar, Ugur Cem
AuthorIzginli, Mucahit
AuthorOzturk, Hamdullah
AuthorKorkmaz, Huseyin
AuthorCevik, Abdulkadir
AuthorIrshidat, Mohammad Refaat
Available date2023-12-05T10:28:41Z
Publication Date2021
Publication NameMeasurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation
AbstractSurface curing effect of hardened engineering cementitious mortar (ECM) samples with distinct water-to-binder ratios (𝑤∕𝑏) is analyzed by recording amplitude of reflection response |𝛤| or conductance term 𝑔 measured by a microwave open-ended waveguide probe. Frequency dependencies (between 3.95–5.85 GHz) of |𝛤| and 𝑔 measured from various surfaces (top, bottom, and lateral) of ECM samples with 𝑤∕𝑏 = 0.2 and 0.3 are presented at the 720th days of curing (hardened ECM). In addition, their temporal dependencies (over 1–9 and 720–815 days) are presented for the frequency value of 4.56 GHz. From our analysis, contrary to top and lateral surface behaviors, it is noted that crossover between 𝑔 values measured from bottom surfaces of ECM samples with 𝑤∕𝑏 = 0.2 and 0.3 delays for a long time (around 550 days). Propagation-related studies should take into account reflection profiles varying with wall height for accurate prediction.
SponsorU. C. Hasar and A. Cevik would like to thank the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under grant number 120M763 for providing the partial support to conduct our research. H. Ozturk acknowledges the TUBITAK BIDEB 2211/C program for supporting his studies.
SubjectCementitious mortar
Propagation-related research
Sample curing
TitleSurface curing effect on reflection response of hardened cementitious mortar samples
Volume Number185
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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