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AuthorZayen, Amal
AuthorSayadi, Sami
AuthorSousbie, Philippe
AuthorBernet, Nicolas
AuthorTorrijos, Michel
AuthorEscudié, Renaud
Available date2025-01-23T09:25:38Z
Publication Date2023-08-01
Publication NameBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery
CitationZayen, A., Sayadi, S., Sousbie, P., Bernet, N., Torrijos, M., & Escudié, R. (2021). Chicken manure and wheat straw co-digestion in batch leach bed reactors: optimization of the start-up conditions. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-11.‏
AbstractChicken manure can be regarded as a valuable resource for energy recovery in rural areas. In this context, this study evaluated the co-digestion of chicken manure and wheat straw in leach bed reactors (LBRs). Among several parameters that can affect the process performance, the substrate-to-inoculum ratio (S/I), the proportion of chicken manure (CM%) in the substrate mixture, and the total solid content (TS) were optimized to improve the methane yield and the process stability. The increase of S/I to 2.38 resulted in higher methane productivity although higher volatile fatty acids concentrations were registered. The overall process efficiency was strongly affected by CM% increase resulting in propionic acid accumulation and lower methane production. The simultaneous increase of S/I and TS while keeping the CM % at 55% in the substrate mixture not only resulted in a delay in the methanogenesis establishment but also compromised the hydrolysis step. Regardless of the start-up conditions, LBRs were able to recover from acidification although potentially inhibiting ammonia concentrations were registered, showing the versatility of LBRs to treat substrates with high ammonia content.
PublisherSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
SubjectAmmonia inhibition
Anaerobic digestion
Chicken manure
Leach bed reactor
TitleChicken manure and wheat straw co-digestion in batch leach bed reactors: optimization of the start-up conditions
Issue Number12
Volume Number13
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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