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AuthorGharbi-Khelifi, Hakima
AuthorJmii, Habib
AuthorMosbahi, Mohamed
AuthorHamdi, Samiha
AuthorHamdi, Rawand
AuthorBrahmi, Jihen
AuthorLoukil, Slim
AuthorChamkha, Mohamed
AuthorSayadi, Sami
AuthorAouni, Mahjoub
AuthorBarreiro, Ana
AuthorFernández-Sanjurjo, Maria J.
AuthorNúñez-Delgado, Avelino
AuthorRodríguez, Esperanza Álvarez
Available date2025-01-26T09:50:40Z
Publication Date2023-12-15
Publication NameEnvironmental Research
CitationGharbi-Khelifi, H., Jmii, H., Mosbahi, M., Hamdi, S., Hamdi, R., Brahmi, J., ... & Rodríguez, E. Á. (2023). Microbiological and physicochemical quality enhancement of treated wastewater using raw and chemically modified clays from Sidi Bouzid region, Tunisia. Environmental Research, 239, 117391.‏
AbstractEnvironmental discharge of wastewater represents a source of chemical and biological pollutants. This study firstly evaluates the microbiological and physicochemical quality of treated wastewaters collected from two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located in two different Tunisian cities namely Sidi Bouzid (SB) and Gafsa (G). Then, the capacity of three raw and acid/base-activated local clays to enhance the quality of wastewaters was assessed. The results indicate that the quantities of enteric bacteria (oscillating from 1.381 × 103 to 1.4 × 108 CFU/100 mL), fungi (between 1.331 × 103 and 1.781 × 104 CFU/100 mL), as well as SARS-CoV-2 (between 4.25 × 103 and 5.05 × 105 CFU/100 mL) and Hepatitis A virus RNA (form 4.25 × 103 to 7.4 × 104 CFU/100 mL) detected in effluent wastewaters were not in compliance with the Tunisian standards for both studied WWTPs. Likewise for other indicators such as electrical conductivity (ranging 4.9–5.4 mS/cm), suspended matter (145–160 g l−1), chemical oxygen demand (123–160 mg l−1), biological oxygen demand 5 (172–195 mg l−1), chloride, Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and phosphorus contents (710, 58–66 and 9.47–10.83 mg l−1 respectively), the registered values do not agree with the set standards established for wastewater treatment. On the other hand, the pH values fitted (oscillating from 6.86 (at G) to 7.24 (at SB) with the Tunisian standards for both WWTPs. After treatment, wastewaters showed better values for the microbiological parameters, especially for the clays designed as AM and HJ1, which eliminated 100% of viruses. In addition, when acid-activated AM clays were applied, a marked improvement in the quality of physicochemical parameters was obtained, especially for suspended matter (2 and 4 g l−1 for SB and G, respectively), TKN (5.2 (SB) and 6.40 (G) mg/l), phosphorus (1.01 (SB) and 0.81 (G) mg/l). Our results open perspectives for the possibility of efficiently using these specific clays in the enhancement of the quality of treated wastewaters.
SponsorThis work was supported by the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research , Tunisia.
PublisherAcademic Press Inc.
SubjectClay modification
Microbiological quality
Physicochemical quality
Wastewater clay treatment
TitleMicrobiological and physicochemical quality enhancement of treated wastewater using raw and chemically modified clays from Sidi Bouzid region, Tunisia
Volume Number239
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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