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Authorفخرو، عائشة أحمد
Available date2009-11-25T13:37:59Z
Publication Date2005
Publication NameJournal of Educational Sciences
CitationJournal of Educational Sciences (JES), 2005, Vol. 8, No. 8, Pages 81-113.
Abstractهدفت الدراسة إلى تعرف درجة ممارسة مهارات إدارة الصف لدى معلمات التربية الأسرية في المرحلتين الإعدادية والثانوية، وتم تطبيق أداة الدراسة، وتشمل (28) موقفاً سلوكيا، ويعكس الممارسات الفعلية، ويمثل كل موقف (3) بدائل محتملة الحدوث، والاختيار للبديل الأمثل، وموزعة على (3) ابعاد، وهي: الضبط الصفي، التعزيز والعقاب، تقبل مشاعر الطلبة. وقد بلغت عينة الدراسة (140) معلمة في مادة التربية الأسرة للمرحلتين الاعدادية والثانوية، ومن أهم النتائج التي توصلت إليها الدراسة: عدم وجود درجة مرتفعة لممارسة مهارات إدارة الصف لدى أفراد العينة، كما ظهرت فروق دالة إحصائية لصالح معلمات المرحلة الإعدادية وعدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين درجة ممارسة مهارات إدارة الصف لكل من متغير الخبرات التدريبية، ومجال التدريس، وبناء على نتائج الدراسة تقدمت الباحثة بمجموعة من التوصيات والمقترحات.
PublisherQatar University
Subjectإدارة الصف.
التعليم الاعدادي
التربية الأسرية.
Titleدرجة ممارسة مهارات إدارة الصف كما تدركها معلمات التربية الأسرية في المرحلتين الإعدادية والثانوية بدولة قطر
Alternative TitleDegree of Implementing Classroom Management Skills as Perceived by Family Education Teachers in Preparatory and Secondary Schools in Qatar
Issue Number8
Volume Number8
Alternative AbstractThis study aimed at identifying the degree pf implementing classroom management skills by family education teachers in both preparatory and secondary stages in Qatar . The tool of study was applied .It includes (28) behavioral situations and reflects real practices. Every situation represents (3) possible happenings in addition to the best alternative choice. The tool has three dimensions: class control, reinforcement and punishment and acceptance of students' feelings and interests. The sample of the study included (140) teachers in the field of family education for both the preparatory and secondary stages. Of the most important results reached are the following: there was no high degree of implementing class management skills for the study sample, there were significant statistical differences favoring teachers of the preparatory stage, there were no statistical significant differences between the degree of implementing class management skills for the variables of experience, training sessions, and the teaching field. hi accordance with the study results, the researcher provided some recommendations and suggestions for future research. Significant differences were also observed at the level (0, 01) between the means of depression and self-esteem when further analyses were carried out by first level male and female students as well as by male and female students of third level. The results showed that students of the first level (both sexes) are more depressed and less self-esteem as compared to the third level students and this means that all the stated hypothesis were realized. The researcher interpreted these results in the light of the collected data and the reviewed literature and previous studies.
AuthorFakroo, Aisha Ahmed
SubjectSecondary Education
dc.accessType Open Access

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