Peer-assisted Learning Associated with Team-based Learning in Dental Education
المؤلف | Al Kawas, Sausan |
المؤلف | Hamdy, Hossam |
تاريخ الإتاحة | 2021-09-30T09:22:18Z |
تاريخ النشر | 2017-06 |
اسم المنشور | Elsevier |
المعرّف | |
الملخص | Peer-assisted learning is one of many educational strategies that can assist students׳ learning and their professional development. Its value could be enhanced if combined with a student centered learning strategy such as team-based learning. Purpose The aim of this pilot study is to evaluate the impact of peer-assisted learning associated with team-based learning on the learning experience of dental students. Method Forty-two dental students participated in peer-assisted learning associated with team-based learning activities and 6 of them took the role of tutors in the team-based learning sessions. A structured on-line questionnaire was sent to 42 students to evaluate their perception regarding the impact of peer-assisted learning associated with team-based learning on their learning experience. Thirty-eight (90.5%) participants out of 42 answered the questionnaire. Sixteen students volunteered to participate in focus-group interviews for verification of the questionnaire responses. Results Thirty-two participants (84%) agreed that peer-assisted learning associated with team-based learning improved the way they study and increased their interest in the subject. Thirty-five students (94%) indicated that they enjoyed this learning experience. In addition, they would recommend this program to their colleagues. Thirty-one (82%) agreed that peer-assisted learning associated with team-based learning improved their teaching skills. Furthermore, thirty-one students (82%) indicated that it increased their communication skills. All participants agreed that they were satisfied with the overall program. The results obtained from both students׳ survey and focus-group interviews were consistent. Discussion Our findings suggested that peer-assisted learning associated with team-based learning was a valuable strategy to enhance learning among students. It can also provide these students with teaching experience which could help their professional development. |
اللغة | en |
الناشر | Health Professions Education |
الموضوع | Cooperative learning Dental EducationStudents centered education Team-based learning Peer-assisted learning |
النوع | Article |
الصفحات | 38-43 |
رقم العدد | 1 |
رقم المجلد | 3 |
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