Browsing Central Laboratories Unit Research by Publication Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 111
Ultra-trace Measurements of 210Pb in natural occurring radioactive materials by ICP-MS
( Elsevier , 2010 , Article)Collision cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CC-ICP-MS) was investigated as a possible alternative to nuclear analytical techniques for the determination of 210Pb. The formation of isobaric and polyatomic ... -
Collision/reaction cell ICP-MS with shielded torch and sector field ICP-MS for the simultaneous determination of selenium isotopes in biological matrices
( Humana Press Inc , 2011 , Article)The determinations of selenium isotopes in biological samples were performed using both inductively coupled plasma collision/reaction cell quadruple mass spectrometer (CRC-ICP-QMS) and inductively coupled plasma sector ... -
Natural and depleted uranium in the topsoil of Qatar: Is it something to worry about?
( Elsevier , 2013 , Article)This study examines uranium in soils of Qatar to investigate whether there is any detectable traces of depleted uranium (DU). 409 soil samples were collected using a 10km grid system throughout the State of Qatar. The U ... -
Assessment Of The Global Fallout Of Plutonium Isotopes In The Topsoil Of Qatar: Establishing A Baseline Concentrations Of 238pu, 239pu, And 240pu
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2014 , Conference)A radio-analytical technique for determination of plutonium (Pu) isotopes in soil samples is tested against NIST and IAEA standard reference materials to determine its accuracy and precision for reliable results. The ... -
Ultratrace determination of strontium-90 in environmental soil samples from Qatar by collision/reaction cell-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CRC-ICP-MS/MS)
( The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) , 2014 , Conference)Because of the very low level of 90Sr in the environmental soil samples and its determination by beta counting may take several weeks, we developed a procedure for ultratrace determination of 90Sr using collision reaction ... -
A market basket survey of As, Zn and Se in rice imports in Qatar: Health implications
( Elsevier , 2014 , Article)Qatar is dependent on importation of rice, its staple dish, and is therefore susceptible to compromises of food quality in the global market. This market basket study assesses potential health risks of As exposure from ... -
Novel miniaturized sensors for potentiometric batch and flow-injection analysis (FIA) of perchlorate in fireworks and propellants
( Elsevier B.V. , 2014 , Article)Three planar miniaturized perchlorate membrane sensors (3×5mm2) are prepared using a flexible Kaptan substrate coated with nitron-perchlorate (NT-ClO4) [sensor 1], methylene blue-perchlorate (MB-ClO4) [sensor II] and ... -
Ammonium phosphate as promised hydrogen storage material
( Elsevier , 2015 , Article)Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Most of the reported hydrogen storage materials are either expensive or based on synthetically complicated compounds. Ammonium phosphates ... -
Stable and effective super-hydrophilic polysulfone nanofiber mats for oil/water separation
( Elsevier Ltd , 2015 , Article)Hydrophobicity of polysulfone is the main constraint facing wide application in the most important field; water treatment, although this polymer shows promising characteristics to be used in different separation technologies. ... -
Preparation and Preliminary Dielectric Characterization of Structured C-Thiol-Ene Polymer Nanocomposites Assembled Using the Thiol-Ene Click Reaction.
( Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) , 2015 , Article)Fullerene-containing materials have the ability to store and release electrical energy. Therefore, fullerenes may ultimately find use in high-voltage equipment devices or as super capacitors for high electric energy storage ... -
Mediation of carbonate minerals formation by aerobic bacterial strains isolated from Dohat Faishakh Sabkha in Qatar
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2016 , Conference)Carbon dioxide (CO2) is increasingly released to the environment as a result of the extensive use of various industrial facilities. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report (2015), cumulative ... -
Isolation, screening and activity of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from harsh soils
( Avestia Publishing , 2016 , Conference)The study of microbial communities in relation to their ecology, interaction, and genetics must be covered in Qatar with special soil, weather and water. Microorganisms of an environment never having been exposed to such ... -
Ultra-trace determination of 90Sr, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239Pu, and 240Pu by triple quadruple collision/reaction cell-ICP-MS/MS: Establishing a baseline for global fallout in Qatar soil and sediments
( Elsevier Ltd , 2016 , Article)The development of practical, fast, and reliable methods for the ultra-trace determination of anthropogenic radionuclides 90Sr, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239Pu, and 240Pu by triple quadruple collision/reaction cell inductively coupled ... -
Evaluation of pesticide residues of organochlorine in vegetables and fruits in Qatar: statistical analysis
( Springer Verlag , 2016 , Article)The study aimed to examine the residues of organochlorines pesticides (OCPs) in vegetables and fruits in Qatar. A total of 127 samples was studied. Ninety percent of the imported samples recorded residues above the maximum ... -
Preparation and characterization of wollastonite/titanium oxide nanofiber bioceramic composite as a future implant material
( Elsevier , 2016 , Article)In this study, novel composites consisting of electrospun titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanofibers incorporated into high-purity wollastonite glass ceramics were prepared as materials for use in hard tissue engineering applications. ... -
Influence of nitrogen doping on the electrocatalytic activity of Ni-incorporated carbon nanofibers toward urea oxidation
( Elsevier Ltd , 2017 , Article)Overall, boosting the formation of the active NiOOH layer distinctly improves the electro catalytic activity of nickel-based materials. Moreover, due to the adsorption capacity, the carbonaceous supports improve the ... -
Rare earth elements and 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratio measurements using tandem ICP-CRC-MS/MS: Characterization of date palm (: Phoenix dactylifera L.)
( Royal Society of Chemistry , 2017 , Article)Herein, tandem inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with a collision/reaction cell (ICP-CRC-MS/MS) was used to accurately characterize the rare earth element (REE) pattern and the radiogenic isotope ratios of ... -
Microplastics in coastal environments of the Arabian Gulf
( Elsevier Ltd , 2017 , Article)Eight sandy beaches along the coastline of Qatar and four sea surface stations on the eastern coast, adjacent to Doha Bay, were surveyed between December 2014 and March 2015. Microplastics, mainly low density polyethylene ... -
Capacitance of MnO2 Micro-Flowers Decorated CNFs in Alkaline Electrolyte and Its Bi-Functional Electrocatalytic Activity toward Hydrazine Oxidation
( ESG , 2017 , Article)Well-dispersed MnO2 micro-flowers were grown directly on carbon nanofibers via a simple hydrothermal technique without any template. Structure and morphology were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field-emission ... -
Effective and stable FeNi@ N-doped graphene counter electrode for enhanced performance dye sensitized solar cells
( Elsevier , 2017 , Article)N-doped FeNi@graphene is introduced as effective and stable non-precious counter electrode for the dye sensitized solar cells. After preparation of graphene oxide using the chemical route, the obtained product has been ...