Drug Repurposing in Vasculo-metabolic Diseases
Drug repurposing or repositioning is an approach that seeks to maximize the use of existing drugs by identifying
new indications other than the ones for which the drug was initially conceived [1-5]. This approach has been gaining increased attention because not only it saves money, but it also circumvents many of the tedious steps needed in
drug design and development as well as the delays in obtaining federal or regulatory approval. Initially, serendipity
triggered the interest in drug repurposing; however, it is now increasingly evident that various studies, observational
and otherwise, support the utilization of this approach. Successful stories of the repositioning of several drugs have
been reported. This thematic mini-issue provides an insight into a few aspects pertaining to drug repurposing for
treating cardiovasculo-metabolic diseases, which comprise the biggest cause of global morbidity and mortality.
- Medicine Research [1549 items ]