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AuthorMarie, Ng
AuthorGakidou, Emmanuela
AuthorLo, Justin
AuthorAbate, Yohannes Habtegiorgis
AuthorAbbafati, Cristiana
AuthorAbbas, Nasir
AuthorAbbasian, Mohammadreza
AuthorAbd ElHafeez, Samar
AuthorAbdel-Rahman, Wael M
AuthorAbd-Elsalam, Sherief
AuthorAbdollahi, Arash
AuthorAbdoun, Meriem
AuthorAbdulah, Deldar Morad
AuthorAbdulkader, Rizwan Suliankatchi
AuthorAbdullahi, Auwal
AuthorAbedi, Armita
AuthorAbeywickrama, Hansani Madushika
AuthorAbie, Alemwork
AuthorAboagye, Richard Gyan
AuthorAbohashem, Shady
AuthorAbtahi, Dariush
AuthorAbualruz, Hasan
AuthorAbubakar, Bilyaminu
AuthorAbu Farha, Rana Kamal
AuthorAbukhadijah, Hana J
AuthorAbu-Rmeileh, Niveen ME
AuthorAburuz, Salahdein
AuthorAbu-Zaid, Ahmed
AuthorAdams, Lisa C
AuthorAdane, Mesafint Molla
AuthorAddo, Isaac Yeboah
AuthorAdedokun, Kamoru Ademola
AuthorAdegoke, Nurudeen A
AuthorAdepoju, Abiola Victor Victor
AuthorAdesola, Ridwan Olamilekan
AuthorAdeyeoluwa, Temitayo Esther
AuthorAdiga, Usha
AuthorAdnani, Qorinah Estiningtyas Sakilah
AuthorAfaghi, Siamak
AuthorAfzal, Saira
AuthorAfzal, Muhammad Sohail
AuthorAgampodi, Thilini Chanchala
AuthorAghamiri, Shahin
AuthorAgostinis Sobrinho, César
AuthorAgyemang-Duah, Williams
AuthorAhlstrom, Austin J
AuthorAhmad, Danish
AuthorAhmad, Sajjad
AuthorAhmad, Aqeel
AuthorAhmad, Muayyad M
AuthorAhmad, Fuzail
AuthorAhmad, Noah
AuthorAhmed, Haroon
AuthorAhmed, Muktar Beshir
AuthorAhmed, Ayman
AuthorAhmed, Meqdad Saleh
AuthorAhmed, Mehrunnisha Sharif
AuthorAhmed, Syed Anees
AuthorAjami, Marjan
AuthorAkhtar, Samina
AuthorAkkaif, Mohammed Ahmed
AuthorAkrami, Ashley E
AuthorAlalwan, Tariq A
AuthorAl-Aly, Ziyad
AuthorAlam, Khurshid
AuthorAl-amer, Rasmieh Mustafa
AuthorAlansari, Amani
AuthorAl-Ashwal, Fahmi Y
AuthorAlbashtawy, Mohammed
AuthorAldhaleei, Wafa A
AuthorAlemayehu, Bezawit Abeje
AuthorAlgammal, Abdelazeem M
AuthorAlhabib, Khalid F
AuthorAl Hamad, Hanadi
AuthorAl Hasan, Syed Mahfuz
AuthorAlhuwail, Dari
AuthorAli, Rafat
AuthorAli, Abid
AuthorAli, Waad
AuthorAli, Mohammed Usman
AuthorAlif, Sheikh Mohammad
AuthorAl-Jabi, Samah W
AuthorAljunid, Syed Mohamed
AuthorAlkhatib, Ahmad
AuthorAl-Marwani, Sabah
AuthorAlomari, Mahmoud A
AuthorAlqahtani, Saleh A
AuthorAl-Raddadi, Rajaa M Mohammad
AuthorAlrawashdeh, Ahmad
AuthorAlrimawi, Intima
AuthorAlrousan, Sahel Majed
AuthorAlshahrani, Najim Z
AuthorAl Ta'ani, Omar
AuthorAl Ta'ani, Zain
AuthorAltaany, Zaid
AuthorAltaf, Awais
AuthorAl Thaher, Yazan
AuthorAlvis-Guzman, Nelson
AuthorAl-Wardat, Mohammad
AuthorAl-Worafi, Yaser Mohammed
AuthorAly, Safwat
AuthorAly, Hany
AuthorAlzahrani, Hosam
AuthorAlzoubi, Abdallah
AuthorAlzoubi, Karem H
AuthorAl-Zubayer, Md. Akib
AuthorAmiri, Sohrab
AuthorAmu, Hubert
AuthorAmugsi, Dickson A
AuthorAmusa, Ganiyu Adeniyi
AuthorAnanda, Roshan A
AuthorAncuceanu, Robert
AuthorAndrei, Catalina Liliana
AuthorAnjana, Ranjit Mohan
AuthorAnsari, Sumbul
AuthorAnsari, Mohammed Tahir
AuthorAntony, Catherine M
AuthorAnuoluwa, Iyadunni Adesola
AuthorAnuoluwa, Boluwatife Stephen
AuthorAnvari, Saeid
AuthorAnwar, Saleha
AuthorAnyasodor, Anayochukwu Edward
AuthorApostol, Geminn Louis Carace
AuthorArab, Juan Pablo
AuthorArabloo, Jalal
AuthorArafat, Mosab
AuthorAravkin, Aleksandr Y
AuthorAreda, Demelash
AuthorArifin, Hidayat
AuthorArkew, Mesay
AuthorArmocida, Benedetta
AuthorÄrnlöv, Johan
AuthorArooj, Mahwish
AuthorArtamonov, Anton A
AuthorArtanti, Kurnia Dwi
AuthorArumugam, Ashokan
AuthorAsghari-Jafarabadi, Mohammad
AuthorAshraf, Tahira
AuthorAsiamah-Asare, Bernard Kwadwo Yeboah
AuthorAsrat, Anemaw A
AuthorAstell-Burt, Thomas
AuthorAthari, Seyyed Shamsadin
AuthorAtorkey, Prince
AuthorAtreya, Alok
AuthorAumoldaeva, Zaure Maratovna
AuthorAwad, Hamzeh
AuthorAwoke, Mamaru Ayenew
AuthorAwotidebe, Adedapo Wasiu
AuthorAychiluhm, Setognal Birara
AuthorAzargoonjahromi, Ali
AuthorAzimi, Amirali
AuthorAziz, Sadat Abdulla
AuthorAziz, Shahkaar
AuthorAzzam, Ahmed Y.
AuthorAzzolino, Domenico
AuthorAzzopardi, Peter S
AuthorBabashahi, Mina
AuthorBabu, Giridhara Rathnaiah
AuthorBadiye, Ashish D
AuthorBagheri, Nasser
AuthorBahurupi, Yogesh
AuthorBai, Ruhai
AuthorBaig, Atif Amin
AuthorBakkannavar, Shankar M
AuthorBalakrishnan, Senthilkumar
AuthorBaltatu, Ovidiu Constantin
AuthorBam, Kiran
AuthorBanach, Maciej
AuthorBanik, Rajon
AuthorBardhan, Mainak
AuthorBarqawi, Hiba Jawdat
AuthorBarquera, Simon
AuthorBarua, Lingkan
AuthorBasharat, Zarrin
AuthorBashir, Shahid
AuthorBastan, Mohammad-Mahdi
AuthorBasu, Saurav
AuthorBayat, Reza
AuthorBayih, Mulat Tirfie
AuthorBeeraka, Narasimha M
AuthorBegum, Tahmina
AuthorBello, Umar Muhammad
AuthorBello, Abdulrahman Babatunde
AuthorBelo, Luis
AuthorBensenor, Isabela M
AuthorBergami, Maria
AuthorBerhe, Kidanemaryam
AuthorBerihun, Abiye Assefa
AuthorBhadoria, Ajeet Singh
AuthorBhagavathula, Akshaya Srikanth
AuthorBhala, Neeraj
AuthorBhalla, Jaideep Singh
AuthorBharadwaj, Ravi
AuthorBhardwaj, Pankaj
AuthorBhardwaj, Nikha
AuthorBhaskar, Sonu
AuthorBhat, Ajay Nagesh
AuthorBhattacharjee, Priyadarshini
AuthorBhattacharjee, Shuvarthi
AuthorBhatti, Jasvinder Singh
AuthorBhatti, Gurjit Kaur
AuthorBikov, Andras
AuthorBilgin, Cem
AuthorBisignano, Catherine
AuthorBiswas, Bijit
AuthorBizzozero Peroni, Bruno
AuthorBjertness, Espen
AuthorBjørge, Tone
AuthorBolla, Srinivasa Rao
AuthorBorhany, Hamed
AuthorBosoka, Samuel Adolf
AuthorBouaoud, Souad
AuthorBoyko, Edward J
AuthorBraithwaite, Dejana
AuthorBrazo-Sayavera, Javier
AuthorBrenner, Hermann
AuthorBritton, Gabrielle
AuthorBryazka, Dana
AuthorBugiardini, Raffaele
AuthorBui, Linh Phuong
AuthorBusch, Felix
AuthorBustanji, Yasser
AuthorButt, Nadeem Shafique
AuthorButt, Zahid A
AuthorCalina, Daniela
AuthorCampos, Luciana Aparecida
AuthorCampos-Nonato, Ismael
AuthorCao, Si
AuthorCao, Yin
AuthorCapodici, Angelo
AuthorCarvalho, Andre F
AuthorCarvalho, Márcia
AuthorCatapano, Alberico L
AuthorCattafesta, Monica
AuthorCattaruzza, Maria Sofia
AuthorCegolon, Luca
AuthorCembranel, Francieli
AuthorCenko, Edina
AuthorCerin, Ester
AuthorCernigliaro, Achille
AuthorChadwick, Joshua
AuthorChakraborty, Chiranjib
AuthorChan, Raymond N C
AuthorChang, Jung-Chen
AuthorChattu, Vijay Kumar
AuthorChaudhary, Anis Ahmad
AuthorChaurasia, Akhilanand
AuthorChen, Guangjin
AuthorChen, An-Tian
AuthorChen, Haowei
AuthorCheng, Esther T W
AuthorChew, Nicholas WS
AuthorChi, Gerald
AuthorChimoriya, Ritesh
AuthorChing, Patrick R
AuthorChoi, Dong-Woo
AuthorChong, Bryan
AuthorChopra, Hitesh
AuthorChopra, Shivani
AuthorChou, Hou In
AuthorChoudhari, Sonali Gajanan
AuthorChu, Dinh-Toi
AuthorChung, Sunghyun
AuthorChung, Sheng-Chia
AuthorChutiyami, Muhammad
AuthorCini, Karly I
AuthorCioffi, Iolanda
AuthorCogen, Rebecca M
AuthorCollado-Mateo, Daniel
AuthorColumbus, Alyssa
AuthorConrad, Nathalie
AuthorCriqui, Michael H
AuthorCruz-Martins, Natalia
AuthorCummins, Steven
AuthorD'Amico, Emanuele
AuthorD'Anna, Lucio
AuthorD'Oria, Mario
AuthorDadras, Omid
AuthorDai, Xiaochen
AuthorDalakoti, Mayank
AuthorDandona, Rakhi
AuthorDandona, Lalit
AuthorDanpanichkul, Pojsakorn
AuthorDarcho, Samuel Demissie
AuthorDarvishi Cheshmeh Soltani, Reza
Authorda Silva, Alanna Gomes
AuthorDavletov, Kairat
AuthorDelgado-Enciso, Ivan
AuthorDenova-Gutiérrez, Edgar
AuthorDerbew Molla, Meseret
AuthorDergaa, Ismail
AuthorDesale, Aragaw Tesfaw
AuthorDevanbu, Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan
AuthorDevegowda, Devananda
AuthorDewan, Syed Masudur Rahman
AuthorDhali, Arkadeep
AuthorDharmaratne, Samath Dhamminda
AuthorDhimal, Meghnath
AuthorDhungel, Bibha
AuthorDiaz, Daniel
AuthorDinu, Monica
AuthorDodangeh, Milad
AuthorDohare, Sushil
AuthorDokova, Klara Georgieva
AuthorDolatkhah, Neda
Authordo Prado, Camila Bruneli
AuthorDorostkar, Fariba
AuthorDoshi, Ojas Prakashbhai
AuthorDoshi, Rajkumar Prakashbhai
AuthorDowou, Robert Kokou
AuthorDsouza, Viola Savy
AuthorDu, Mi
AuthorDumith, Samuel C
AuthorDumuid, Dorothea
AuthorDuncan, Bruce B
AuthorDutta, Sulagna
AuthorDziedzic, Arkadiusz Marian
AuthorEbrahimi, Alireza
AuthorEftekhari, Behrad
AuthorEighaei Sedeh, Ashkan
AuthorEkholuenetale, Michael
AuthorEladl, Mohamed Ahmed
AuthorEl Arab, Rabie Adel
AuthorEl-Ashker, Said
AuthorElbarazi, Iffat
AuthorEl Bayoumy, Ibrahim Farahat
AuthorElgendy, Islam Y
AuthorElhadi, Muhammed
AuthorEl-Huneidi, Waseem
AuthorEl-Metwally, Ashraf A
AuthorElmonem, Mohamed A
AuthorElnaem, Mohamed Hassan
AuthorElsheikh, Randa
AuthorElsohaby, Ibrahim
AuthorEltaha, Chadi
AuthorEmeto, Theophilus I
AuthorEslami, Maysa
AuthorEze, Ugochukwu Anthony
AuthorFadavian, Heidar
AuthorFagbamigbe, Adeniyi Francis
AuthorFakhradiyev, Ildar Ravisovich
AuthorFaraji, Seyed Nooreddin
AuthorFarinha, Carla Sofia e Sá
AuthorFaris, MoezAlIslam Ezzat Mahmoud
AuthorFarooque, Umar
AuthorFarrokhpour, Hossein
AuthorFasusi, Samuel Aanuoluwapo
AuthorFazeli, Patrick
AuthorFazylov, Timur
AuthorFeizkhah, Alireza
AuthorFekadu, Ginenus
AuthorFeng, Xiaoqi
AuthorFernandes, João C
AuthorFernandez-Jimenez, Rodrigo
AuthorFerreira, Nuno
AuthorFeyisa, Bikila Regassa
AuthorFischer, Florian
AuthorFlood, David
AuthorFoigt, Nataliya A
AuthorFolayan, Morenike Oluwatoyin
AuthorFomenkov, Artem Alekseevich
AuthorForoumadi, Roham
AuthorFortuna Rodrigues, Celia
AuthorFoschi, Matteo
AuthorFotouhi, Maryam
AuthorFrancis, Kate Louise
AuthorFranklin, Richard Charles
AuthorGába, Aleš
AuthorGadanya, Muktar A
AuthorGaidhane, Abhay Motiramji
AuthorGalali, Yaseen
AuthorGallus, Silvano
AuthorGanesan, Balasankar
AuthorGangachannaiah, Shivaprakash
AuthorGastélum Espinoza, Wendy Paola
AuthorGebregergis, Miglas Welay
AuthorGebremeskel, Teferi Gebru
AuthorGetacher, Lemma
AuthorGhadirian, Fataneh
AuthorGhaffari Jolfayi, Amir
AuthorGhamari, Seyyed-Hadi
AuthorGhazy, Ramy Mohamed
AuthorGil, Artyom Urievich
AuthorGill, Tiffany K
AuthorGnedovskaya, Elena V
AuthorGolechha, Mahaveer
AuthorGolinelli, Davide
AuthorGrivna, Michal
AuthorGrover, Ashna
AuthorGuan, Zhongyang
AuthorGuan, Shi-Yang
AuthorGuarducci, Giovanni
AuthorGubari, Mohammed Ibrahim Mohialdeen
AuthorGuha, Avirup
AuthorGunawardane, Damitha Asanga
AuthorGuo, Zheng
AuthorGupta, Rajeev
AuthorGupta, Anish Kumar
AuthorGupta, Rahul
AuthorGupta, Sapna
AuthorGupta, Vivek Kumar
AuthorGutiérrez-Murillo, Roberth Steven
AuthorGuzman-Esquivel, Jose
AuthorHadi, Najah R
AuthorHadian, Zahra
AuthorHamdy, Nadia M
AuthorHameed, Sajid
AuthorHamidi, Samer
AuthorHamiduzzaman, Mohammad
AuthorHanif, Asif
AuthorHanifi, Nasrin
AuthorHankey, Graeme J
AuthorHaq, Allie
AuthorHarlianto, Netanja I
AuthorHaro, Josep Maria
AuthorHartono, Risky Kusuma
AuthorHasan, Faizul
AuthorHashempur, Mohammad Hashem
AuthorHasnain, Md Saquib
AuthorHassan, Amr
AuthorHassan, Nageeb
AuthorHassanipour, Soheil
AuthorHassanzade Rad, Afagh
AuthorHavmoeller, Rasmus J
AuthorHay, Simon I
AuthorHe, Wen-Qiang
AuthorHebert, Jeffrey J
AuthorHeidari, Golnaz
AuthorHemmati, Mehdi
AuthorHiraike, Yuta
AuthorHoan, Nguyen Quoc
AuthorHoang, Mai
AuthorHolla, Ramesh
AuthorHoogar, Praveen
AuthorHopkins, Ashley Mark
AuthorHossain, Alamgir
AuthorHosseinzadeh, Hassan
AuthorHostiuc, Sorin
AuthorHostiuc, Mihaela
AuthorHtay, Zin Wai
AuthorHu, Chengxi
AuthorHuang, Junjie
AuthorHundie, Tsegaye Gebreyes
AuthorHusseiny, Mohamed Ibrahim
AuthorHuynh, Hong-Han
AuthorIavicoli, Ivo
AuthorIbrayeva, Anel
AuthorIlesanmi, Olayinka Stephen
AuthorIlic, Irena M
AuthorIlic, Milena D
AuthorImam, Mohammad Tarique
AuthorInbaraj, Leeberk Raja
AuthorInok, Arit
AuthorIrham, Lalu Muhammad
AuthorIslam, Md. Rabiul
AuthorIslam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful
AuthorIslam, Rakibul M
AuthorIsmail, Nahlah Elkudssiah
AuthorIso, Hiroyasu
AuthorIsola, Gaetano
AuthorItuka, Mosimah Charles
AuthorIwagami, Masao
AuthorIwu-Jaja, Chinwe Juliana
AuthorIyasu, Assefa N
AuthorJ, Vinothini
AuthorJacob, Louis
AuthorJaffar, Shabbar
AuthorJahrami, Haitham
AuthorJain, Akhil
AuthorJairoun, Ammar Abdulrahman
AuthorJakovljevic, Mihajlo
AuthorJalloh, Mohamed Lamrana
AuthorJavaid, Syed Sarmad
AuthorJayapal, Sathish Kumar
AuthorJayarajah, Umesh
AuthorJayaram, Shubha
AuthorJebai, Rime
AuthorJebasingh, Felix K
AuthorJema, Alelign Tasew
AuthorJokar, Mohammad
AuthorJonas, Jost B
AuthorJose, Jobinse
AuthorJoseph, Nitin
AuthorJoshua, Charity Ehimwenma
AuthorJozwiak, Jacek Jerzy
AuthorJürisson, Mikk
AuthorKaambwa, Billingsley
AuthorKabir, Ali
AuthorKabir, Zubair
AuthorKakkar, Ashish Kumar
AuthorKalra, Sanjay
AuthorKamarajah, Sivesh Kathir
AuthorKanaan, Saddam Fuad
AuthorKankam, Samuel Berchi
AuthorKanmodi, Kehinde Kazeem
AuthorKapoor, Neeti
AuthorKarajizadeh, Mehrdad
AuthorKarakasis, Paschalis
AuthorKarasneh, Reema A
AuthorKarimi, Yeganeh
AuthorKarimi Behnagh, Arman
AuthorKassebaum, Nicholas J
AuthorKauppila, Joonas H
AuthorKayode, Gbenga A
AuthorKehagias, Dimitrios
AuthorKerr, Jessica A
AuthorKeshwani, Ariz
AuthorKesse-Guyot, Emmanuelle
AuthorKeykhaei, Mohammad
AuthorKhaing, Inn Kynn
AuthorKhajuria, Himanshu
AuthorKhalili, Pantea
AuthorKhalilian, Alireza
AuthorKhalis, Mohamed
AuthorKhan, Mohammad Jobair
AuthorKhan, Maseer
AuthorKhan, Nusrat
AuthorKhan, Md Abdullah Saeed
AuthorKhan, Ajmal
AuthorKhan, Moien AB
AuthorKhanmohammadi, Shaghayegh
AuthorKhatab, Khaled
AuthorKhatatbeh, Moawiah Mohammad
AuthorKhayamzadeh, Maryam
AuthorKhidri, Feriha Fatima
AuthorKhorashadizadeh, Fatemeh
AuthorKhosla, Atulya Aman
AuthorKhosravi, Sepehr
AuthorKhosrowjerdi, Mahmood
AuthorKhubchandani, Jagdish
AuthorKhusun, Helda
AuthorKim, Jinho
AuthorKim, Kwanghyun
AuthorKim, Min Seo
AuthorKim, Yun Jin
AuthorKimokoti, Ruth W
AuthorKisa, Adnan
AuthorKishore, Ladli
AuthorKivimäki, Mika
AuthorKokkorakis, Michail
AuthorKolahi, Ali-Asghar
AuthorKompani, Farzad
AuthorKorzh, Oleksii
AuthorKostev, Karel
AuthorKoulmane Laxminarayana, Sindhura Lakshmi
AuthorKretchy, Irene Akwo
AuthorKrishan, Kewal
AuthorKua, Chong-Han
AuthorKuate Defo, Barthelemy
AuthorKulimbet, Mukhtar
AuthorKulkarni, Vishnutheertha
AuthorKumar, Ashish
AuthorKumar, Vijay
AuthorKumar, G Anil
AuthorKundu, Satyajit
AuthorKunutsor, Setor K
AuthorKurmi, Om P
AuthorKurniasari, Maria Dyah
AuthorKusuma, Dian
AuthorKytö, Ville
AuthorLacey, Ben
AuthorLahariya, Chandrakant
AuthorLai, Daphne Teck Ching
AuthorLai, Hanpeng
AuthorLandires, Iván
AuthorLarijani, Bagher
AuthorLatief, Kamaluddin
AuthorLa Vecchia, Carlo
AuthorLe, Nhi Huu Hanh
AuthorLee, Munjae
AuthorLee, Sang-woong
AuthorLee, Wei-Chen
AuthorLee, Seung Won
AuthorLee, Paul H
AuthorLi, Ming-Chieh
AuthorLi, Yongze
AuthorLi, Weilong
AuthorLim, Stephen S
AuthorLin, Queran
AuthorLin, Jialing
AuthorLindholm, Daniel
AuthorLindstedt, Paulina A
AuthorLiu, Simin
AuthorLlanaj, Erand
AuthorLópez-Gil, José Francisco
AuthorLorkowski, Stefan
AuthorLucchetti, Giancarlo
AuthorLugo, Alessandra
AuthorLutambi, Angelina M
AuthorLv, Lei
AuthorLytvyak, Ellina
AuthorMa, Zheng Feei
AuthorMachoy, Monika
AuthorMagaña Gómez, Javier A
AuthorMaghbouli, Nastaran
AuthorMahalleh, Mehrdad
AuthorMahmood, Nozad H
AuthorMahmoudi, Elham
AuthorMaiti, Rituparna
AuthorMakris, Konstantinos Christos C
AuthorMalhotra, Kashish
AuthorMalik, Ahmad Azam
AuthorMalik, Iram
AuthorMalta, Deborah Carvalho
AuthorMamun, Abdullah A
AuthorMansourian, Marjan
AuthorManu, Emmanuel
AuthorMarateb, Hamid Reza
AuthorMarino, Mirko
AuthorMarjani, Abdoljalal
AuthorMartinez-Piedra, Ramon
AuthorMartini, Santi
AuthorMartorell, Miquel
AuthorMarzouk, Sammer
AuthorMasi, Stefano
AuthorMasrouri, Soroush
AuthorMathangasinghe, Yasith
AuthorMathur, Manu Raj
AuthorMatozinhos, Fernanda Penido
AuthorMatthias, Thushara
AuthorMattiello, Rita
AuthorMazidi, Mohsen
AuthorMcPhail, Steven M
AuthorMechili, Enkeleint A
AuthorMehboob, Riffat
AuthorMehmood, Asim
AuthorMehndiratta, Man Mohan
AuthorMehrabani-Zeinabad, Kamran
AuthorMekene Meto, Tesfahun
AuthorMeles, Hadush Negash
AuthorMendoza, Walter
AuthorMenezes, Ritesh G
AuthorMengistie, Emiru Ayalew
AuthorMeo, Sultan Ayoub
AuthorMestrovic, Tomislav
AuthorMettananda, Sachith
AuthorMettananda, Chamila Dinushi Kukulege
AuthorMicheletti Gomide Nogueira de Sá, Ana Carolina
AuthorMiller, Ted R
AuthorMini, GK
AuthorMirrakhimov, Erkin M
AuthorMisganaw, Awoke
AuthorMittal, Madhukar
AuthorMohamed, Ahmed Ismail
AuthorMohamed, Mona Gamal
AuthorMohamed, Nouh Saad
AuthorMohamed, Jama
AuthorMohammad, Taj
AuthorMohammad-Alizadeh-Charandabi, Sakineh
AuthorMohammadzadeh, Ibrahim
AuthorMohammed, Shafiu
AuthorMohammed, Mustapha
AuthorMokdad, Ali H
AuthorMondello, Stefania
AuthorMoni, Mohammad Ali
AuthorMoradi, Maryam
AuthorMorrison, Shane Douglas
AuthorMossialos, Elias
AuthorMotappa, Rohith
AuthorMulita, Francesk
AuthorMullany, Erin C
AuthorMunkhsaikhan, Yanjinlkham
AuthorMurillo-Zamora, Efren
AuthorMusa, Sani
AuthorMustafa, Ghulam
AuthorMuthu, Sathish
AuthorMyung, Woojae
AuthorNaghavi, Pirouz
AuthorNaghavi, Mohsen
AuthorNaik, Ganesh R
AuthorNaik, Hiten
AuthorNambi, Gopal
AuthorNangia, Vinay
AuthorNansseu, Jobert Richie
AuthorNascimento, Gustavo G
AuthorNassar, Mahmoud
AuthorNatto, Zuhair S
AuthorNauman, Javaid
AuthorNaureen, Zakira
AuthorNavaratna, Samidi Nirasha Kumari
AuthorNayak, Biswa Prakash
AuthorNayon, Md Fahad Shahariar
AuthorNazri-Panjaki, Athare
AuthorNegahdary, Masoud
AuthorNegoi, Ruxandra Irina
AuthorNegoi, Ionut
AuthorNejadghaderi, Seyed Aria
AuthorNematollahi, Soroush
AuthorNepal, Samata
AuthorNetsere, Henok Biresaw
AuthorNgunjiri, Josephine W
AuthorNguyen, Cuong Tat
AuthorNguyen, Dang
AuthorNguyen, Trang
AuthorNguyen, Duc Hoang
AuthorNguyen, Phuong The
AuthorNiazi, Robina Khan
AuthorNieddu, Luciano
AuthorNiknam, Mahdieh
AuthorNikoobar, Ali
AuthorNkeck, Jan Rene
AuthorNomura, Shuhei
AuthorNoor, Syed Toukir Ahmed
AuthorNoreen, Mamoona
AuthorNoroozi, Masoud
AuthorNoubiap, Jean Jacques
AuthorNouri, Mehran
AuthorNri-Ezedi, Chisom Adaobi
AuthorNugen, Fred
AuthorNurrika, Dieta
AuthorNzoputam, Ogochukwu Janet
AuthorO'Connell, Erin M
AuthorOancea, Bogdan
AuthorOguta, James Odhiambo
AuthorOh, In-Hwan
AuthorOkati-Aliabad, Hassan
AuthorOkekunle, Akinkunmi Paul
AuthorOkonji, Osaretin Christabel
AuthorOlagunju, Andrew T
AuthorOlalusi, Oladotun Victor
AuthorOlanrewaju, Timothy Olusegun
AuthorOlasupo, Omotola O
AuthorOliveira, Gláucia Maria Moraes
AuthorOliveira, Arão Belitardo
AuthorOluwafemi, Yinka Doris
AuthorOmar, Hany A
AuthorOmar Bali, Ahmed
AuthorOpitz, Marcel
AuthorOrdak, Michal
AuthorOrtiz, Alberto
AuthorOsborne, Augustus
AuthorOsman, Wael M S
AuthorOsman, Alaa A M
AuthorOsuagwu, Uchechukwu Levi
AuthorOtoiu, Adrian
AuthorOumer, Abdu
AuthorOuyahia, Amel
AuthorOwolabi, Mayowa O
AuthorOwusu, Irene Amoakoh
AuthorOyebola, Kolapo
AuthorP A, Mahesh Padukudru
AuthorPadron-Monedero, Alicia
AuthorPadubidri, Jagadish Rao
AuthorPanda, Sujogya Kumar
AuthorPanda-Jonas, Songhomitra
AuthorPandey, Anamika
AuthorPandi-Perumal, Seithikurippu R
AuthorPardhan, Shahina
AuthorParekh, Utsav
AuthorParija, Pragyan Paramita
AuthorParikh, Romil R
AuthorPark, Eun-Cheol
AuthorPashaei, Ava
AuthorPassera, Roberto
AuthorPatel, Hemal M
AuthorPathan, Aslam Ramjan
AuthorPatoulias, Dimitrios
AuthorPatton, George C
AuthorPaudel, Susan
AuthorPazoki Toroudi, Hamidreza
AuthorPensato, Umberto
AuthorPeprah, Prince
AuthorPereira, Gavin
AuthorPereira, Marcos
AuthorPerianayagam, Arokiasamy
AuthorPerico, Norberto
AuthorPerna, Simone
AuthorPetcu, Ionela-Roxana
AuthorPetermann-Rocha, Fanny Emily
AuthorPham, Hoang Nhat
AuthorPolibin, Roman V
AuthorPopovic, Djordje S
AuthorPourghazi, Farzad
AuthorPourshams, Akram
AuthorPradhan, Jalandhar
AuthorPradhan, Pranil Man Singh
AuthorPrasad, Manya
AuthorPrashant, Akila
AuthorPrates, Elton Junio Sady
AuthorPutra, I Gusti Ngurah Edi
AuthorPuvvula, Jagadeesh
AuthorQattea, Ibrahim
AuthorQiu, Jia-Yong
AuthorRadhakrishnan, Venkatraman
AuthorRadojčić, Maja R
AuthorRaggi, Catalina
AuthorRahman, Muhammad Aziz
AuthorRahman, Fryad Majeed
AuthorRahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur
AuthorRahman, Mosiur
AuthorRahmani, Saeed
AuthorRahmanian, Vahid
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Available date2025-03-06T06:57:50Z
Publication Date2025-03-03
Publication NameThe Lancet
AbstractBackgroundOverweight and obesity is a global epidemic. Forecasting future trajectories of the epidemic is crucial for providing an evidence base for policy change. In this study, we examine the historical trends of the global, regional, and national prevalence of adult overweight and obesity from 1990 to 2021 and forecast the future trajectories to 2050. MethodsLeveraging established methodology from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study, we estimated the prevalence of overweight and obesity among individuals aged 25 years and older by age and sex for 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2050. Retrospective and current prevalence trends were derived based on both self-reported and measured anthropometric data extracted from 1350 unique sources, which include survey microdata and reports, as well as published literature. Specific adjustment was applied to correct for self-report bias. Spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression models were used to synthesise data, leveraging both spatial and temporal correlation in epidemiological trends, to optimise the comparability of results across time and geographies. To generate forecast estimates, we used forecasts of the Socio-demographic Index and temporal correlation patterns presented as annualised rate of change to inform future trajectories. We considered a reference scenario assuming the continuation of historical trends. FindingsRates of overweight and obesity increased at the global and regional levels, and in all nations, between 1990 and 2021. In 2021, an estimated 1·00 billion (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 0·989–1·01) adult males and 1·11 billion (1·10–1·12) adult females had overweight and obesity. China had the largest population of adults with overweight and obesity (402 million [397–407] individuals), followed by India (180 million [167–194]) and the USA (172 million [169–174]). The highest age-standardised prevalence of overweight and obesity was observed in countries in Oceania and north Africa and the Middle East, with many of these countries reporting prevalence of more than 80% in adults. Compared with 1990, the global prevalence of obesity had increased by 155·1% (149·8–160·3) in males and 104·9% (95% UI 100·9–108·8) in females. The most rapid rise in obesity prevalence was observed in the north Africa and the Middle East super-region, where age-standardised prevalence rates in males more than tripled and in females more than doubled. Assuming the continuation of historical trends, by 2050, we forecast that the total number of adults living with overweight and obesity will reach 3·80 billion (95% UI 3·39–4·04), over half of the likely global adult population at that time. While China, India, and the USA will continue to constitute a large proportion of the global population with overweight and obesity, the number in the sub-Saharan Africa super-region is forecasted to increase by 254·8% (234·4–269·5). In Nigeria specifically, the number of adults with overweight and obesity is forecasted to rise to 141 million (121–162) by 2050, making it the country with the fourth-largest population with overweight and obesity. InterpretationNo country to date has successfully curbed the rising rates of adult overweight and obesity. Without immediate and effective intervention, overweight and obesity will continue to increase globally. Particularly in Asia and Africa, driven by growing populations, the number of individuals with overweight and obesity is forecast to rise substantially. These regions will face a considerable increase in obesity-related disease burden. Merely acknowledging obesity as a global health issue would be negligent on the part of global health and public health practitioners; more aggressive and targeted measures are required to address this crisis, as obesity is one of the foremost avertible risks to health now and in the future and poses an unparalleled threat of premature disease and death at local, national, and global levels. FundingBill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
SponsorThis study was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1152504).
Obesity Prevalence
Global Trends
TitleGlobal, regional, and national prevalence of adult overweight and obesity, 1990–2021, with forecasts to 2050: a forecasting study for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
Open Access user License
dc.accessType Open Access

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