Browsing Core Curriculum Program by Publication Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
EFL writing instruction in an Egyptian university classroom: An emic view
( Palgrave Macmillan , 2016 , Book chapter)In Egypt, little research is done to explore how EFL writing is taught from the participants’ emic views. Based on empirical research, this chapter explores the focuses of EFL writing instruction at university and highlights ... -
Conclusion : Teaching EFL Writing in the 21st Century Arab World
( Palgrave Macmillan , 2016 , Book chapter)As a conclusion to this seminal collection of research-based articles on EFL writing in the twenty-first century Arab world, the editors feel obliged to highlight the importance of issues raised in the works included in ... -
Teaching EFL writing in the 21st century Arab world: Realities and challenges
( Palgrave Macmillan , 2016 , Book)Teaching EFL Writing in the 21st Century Arab World addresses a range of issues related to researching and teaching EFL writing in different countries in the Arab World including Egypt, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Tunisia, ... -
Introduction : Teaching EFL Writing in the 21st Century Arab World
( Palgrave Macmillan , 2016 , Book chapter)This co-authored book is a compilation of eight research-based chapters written by ten English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing specialists, including the editors, working at university level in seven Arab countries. ... -
فاعلية الأداء اللغوي الاستراتيجي لفهم المقررات الدراسية الجامعية في تنمية مهارات الكتابة الأكاديمية ومهارات التفكير العليا لدى طلبة السنة الأولى بجامعة قطر
( قسم اللغة العربية - جامعة كيرالا - الهند , 2018 , Conference)تعد الجامعة إحدى المؤسسات الرئيسة التي تقع عليها مسؤولية تنمية قدرات التفكير لدى طلابها من خلال إعداد الأنشطة المحفِّزة على تفعيل القدرات العقلية لديهم ، وذلك لإعداد جيل يستطيع مواجهة المتغيرات العديدة في هذا العصر . ... -
Students' reflective journaling: an impactful strategy that informs instructional practices in an EFL writing university context in Qatar
( Routledge , 2019 , Article)Reflective journals are used in the literature to promote students' learning, develop writing skills, assess students' reflection level, promote teachers' professional development, and gather research data. However, the ... -
إعداد منهج في اللغة العربية قائم على مدخل تعليم اللغة لأغراض أكاديمية (AAP) في تنمية مهارات الكتابة الأكاديمية والتفكير الناقد لدى طلبة جامعة قطر : كلية القانون نموذجا
( المعهد العلمي للتدريب المتقدم والدراسات (معتمد) , 2020 , Article)يجب أن ندرك أن اللغة العربية ليست مادة دراسية فحسب لكنها وسيلة لدراسة المواد الأخرى ، وقد لاحظ الباحث أن مقرر اللغة العربية 200 ، وهو أحد المقررات الإجبارية داخل جامعة قطر يُدرَّس لجميع كليات الجامعة للناطقين بالعربية ... -
A critical review of research on STEM education in Qatar
( Common Ground Research Networks , 2021 , Article Review)In the light of the mounting national promotion, encouragement, and support of the skillsets that are critical to the knowledge economy in Qatar, the present article offers a critical review of the current body of literature ... -
Mentor teachers’ and student teachers’ perspectives toward teacher leadership
( Taylor and Francis Group , 2021 , Article)The current study adopted the Teacher Leadership Inventory (TLI) to understand the perceptions of mentor teachers and student teachers towards teacher leadership, and identify the variables which affected these perspectives. ... -
تصور مقترح لإطار مرجعي مواكب للتحوٌّل الرقمي في النظام التعليمي الناتج عن أزمة جائحة كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) بدولة قطر
( اكاديمية اماراباك , 2021 , Article)دفعت الجهود الدولية المبذولة لِوقف انتشار فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) إلى إغلاق المدارس بكافة أشكالها وكذلك المعاهد والجامعات. ولهذا بدأت كثير من الدول اللجوء إلى نظام تعليمي بديل يُعرف ب نظام التعليم عن بُعد؛ وقد تبنت ... -
Mental Health during the First-Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Examining Perceived Stress among Qatar University Students
( Scientific Research Publishing , 2021 , Article)Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic had a global impact on many different levels including but not limited to economic, morbidity, social… and mental health. Hence, a lot of focus was given to research mental health aspect ... -
Impact of Cultural Competence and Education of a Preservice Teacher and Pedagogical Style
( RIGE , 2021 , Article)Purpose: This research study examined the impact of cultural competence and education of a preservice teacher and pedagogical style on the quality of teaching. The study's rationale was underlined by the prevalence of ... -
Cultivating Creativity of Graphic Design and Multimedia Students: The Perceptions of Arab Faculty and Experts
( SAGE Publications , 2021 , Article)While a consensus has emerged on the importance of creativity in graphic design and multimedia field, little systematic research has attempted to understand its facilitators or inhibitors in the graphic and multimedia ... -
An assessment of critical thinking in the Middle East: Evaluating the effectiveness of special courses interventions.
( Public Library of Science , 2021 , Article)Critical thinking is a requisite skill for college success, employability, and conducive active civic participation. Empirical studies have noted to the low achievement of Arab students on critical thinking assessments. ... -
Framework For Enhancing Civic Engagement At Qatar University With A Focus On Sustainable Development: A Pathway To A Brighter Future
( Migration Letters & The London Publishers , 2022 , Article)The current research explores civic engagement among university students, focusing on Qatar University. Adopting a descriptive approach, the study aims to develop a framework to enhance civic engagement, contributing to ... -
STEM learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Qatar: Secondary school students’ and teachers’ perspectives
( Modestum LTD , 2022 , Article)This study examines how students and teachers perceive science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM) learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data was collected through student and teacher surveys, conducted in 22 ... -
Enablers and obstacles in teaching and learning of mathematics: A systematic review in LUMAT journal
( University of Helsinki, Finland and LUMA Centre Finland , 2022 , Article)This paper presents results of a systematic review of papers published at the LUMAT journal on the current issues positively and negatively affecting teaching and learning in mathematics, in concurrence with the Preferred ... -
Online Teaching Strategies of Language skills during Pandemic: A Case of Self-Efficacy of Teaching Faculty in Qatar Universities
( Hacettepe University , 2022 , Article)COVID-19 caused teaching to shifted online which emanated challenges for both teachers and students. To overcome such challenges, self-efficacy plays a vital role. The major objective of this study was to investigate the ... -
A systematic review of STEM education research in the GCC countries: trends, gaps and barriers
( Springer Open , 2022 , Article)Abundant research conducted in many countries has underlined the critical role of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in developing human capital in fields important to a nation’s global competiveness ... -
التحليل البعدي لآراء المعلمين واتجاهاتهم نحو سياسة دمج ذوي صعوبات التعلم في المدارس العادية
( المعهد الماليزي للعلوم والتنمية , 2022 , Article)دفعت الجهود ا المبذولة في دولة قطر في مجال التعليم إلى الاهتمام بالطلبة ذوي صعوبات التعلم، من خلال دمج هؤلاء الطلبة في المدارس مع الطلبة العاديين؛ بهدف علاجهم لتنمية الثقة بأنفسهم والشعور بالاستقرار والأمان. وقد قامت الدولة ...