Now showing items 1447-1466 of 2616

    • K-Subspaces Quantization for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search 

      Ozan E.C.; Kiranyaz, Mustafa Serkan; Gabbouj M. ( IEEE Computer Society , 2016 , Article)
      Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search has become a popular approach for performing fast and efficient retrieval on very large-scale datasets in recent years, as the size and dimension of data grow continuously. In this ...
    • Key is in the Air: Hacking Remote Keyless Entry Systems 

      Ibrahim, Omar Adel; Hussain, Ahmed Mohamed; Oligeri, Gabriele; Di Pietro, Roberto ( Springer Verlag , 2019 , Conference Paper)
      A Remote Keyless Systems (RKS) is an electronic lock that controls access to a building or vehicle without using a traditional mechanical key. Although RKS have become more and more robust over time, in this paper we show ...
    • Knowledge Transfer for Face Verification Using Heterogeneous Generalized Operational Perceptrons 

      Tran D.T.; Kiranyaz S.; Gabbouj M.; Iosifidis A. ( IEEE Computer Society , 2019 , Conference Paper)
      Face verification is a prominent biometric technique for identity authentication that has been used extensively in several security applications. In practice, face verification is often performed along with other visual ...
    • L-L and L-2L Multilevel boost converter topologies with voltage multiplier with L-L and L-2L converter of XY familiy 

      Bhaskar M.S.; Sanjeevikumar P.; Blaabjerg F.; Holm-Nielsen J.B.; Ionel D.M. ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2018 , Conference Paper)
      A New L-L and L-2L Multilevel Boost Converter topologies (L-LMBC and L-2LMBC) are proposed for photovoltaic (PV) energy application. Both L-LMBC and L-2LMBC topologies are designed to provide a viable and effective solution ...
    • L-L Converter for Fuel Cell Vehicular Power Train Applications: Hardware Implementation of Primary Member of X-Y Converter Family 

      Bhaskar M.S.; Padmanaban S.; Iqbal A.; Meraj M.; Howeldar A.; ... more authors ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2018 , Conference Paper)
      In this research work, L-L converter (primary member of XY converter family) is proposed and discussed in detail for fuel cell based Vehicular Power Train (FC VPT) and DC auxiliary loads. In normally, that the voltage of ...
    • LaCoDa: Layered connected topology for massive data centers 

      Chkirbene, Zina; Foufou, Sebti; Hamila, Ridha; Tari, Zahir; Zomaya, Albert Y. ( Academic Press , 2017 , Article)
      One of the fundamental challenges of existing data centers is to design a network that interconnects massive number of servers, and therefore providing an efficient and fault-tolerant routing service to upper-layer ...
    • Lascada: A novel scalable topology for data center network 

      Chkirbene, Zina; Hadjidj, Rachid; Foufou, Sebti; Hamila, Ridha ( IEEE , 2020 , Article)
      The growth of cloud-based services is mainly supported by the core networking infrastructures of large-scale data centers, while the scalability of these services is influenced by the performance and dependability ...
    • Latency Analysis of UAV based Communication Networks 

      Horani M.; Hasna M.O. ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2018 , Conference Paper)
      UAV based communication is gaining more and more interest in both research and industry. On top of all benefits gained by using UAVs, we investigate in this paper the effect of using UAV communication on the user experienced ...
    • Latest trends of security and privacy in recommender systems: A comprehensive review and future perspectives 

      Himeur, Yassine; Sohail, Shahab Saquib; Bensaali, Faycal; Amira, Abbes; Alazab, Mamoun ( Elsevier , 2022 , Article Review)
      With the widespread use of Internet of things (IoT), mobile phones, connected devices and artificial intelligence (AI), recommender systems (RSs) have become a booming technology because of their capability to analyze big ...
    • Lattice-Boltzmann interactive blood flow simulation pipeline 

      Esfahani, Sahar S.; Zhai, Xiaojun; Chen, Minsi; Amira, Abbes; Bensaali, Faycal; ... more authors ( Springer , 2020 , Article)
      Purpose: Cerebral aneurysms are one of the prevalent cerebrovascular disorders in adults worldwide and caused by a weakness in the brain artery. The most impressive treatment for a brain aneurysm is interventional radiology ...
    • LCDnet: a lightweight crowd density estimation model for real-time video surveillance 

      Khan, Muhammad Asif; Menouar, Hamid; Hamila, Ridha ( Institute for Ionics , 2023 , Article)
      Automatic crowd counting using density estimation has gained significant attention in computer vision research. As a result, a large number of crowd counting and density estimation models using convolution neural networks ...
    • Learned vs. engineered features for fine-grained classification of aquatic macroinvertebrates 

      Riabchenko, Ekaterina; Meissner, Kristian; Ahmad, Iftikhar; Iosifidis, Alexandros; Tirronen ,Ville; ... more authors ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2016 , Conference Paper)
      Aquatic macroinvertebrate biomonitoring is an efficient way of assessment of slow and subtle anthropogenic changes and their effect on water quality. It is imperative to have reliable identification and counts of the various ...
    • Learned vs. hand-designed features for ECG beat classification: A comprehensive study 

      Ince T.; Zabihi M.; Kiranyaz, Mustafa Serkan; Gabbouj M. ( Springer Verlag , 2017 , Conference Paper)
      In this study, in order to find out the best ECG classification performance we realized comparative evaluations among the state-of-the-art classifiers such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), multi-layer perceptrons ...
    • Learning graph affinities for spectral graph-based salient object detection 

      Aytekin, Caglar Caglar; Iosifidis, Alexandros; Kiranyaz, Serkan; Gabbouj, Moncef ( Elsevier Ltd , 2017 , Article)
      In this paper, we propose a novel method for learning graph affinities for salient object detection. First, we assume that a graph representation of an image is given with a predetermined connectivity rule and representative ...
    • Learning to rank salient segments extracted by multispectral Quantum Cuts 

      Aytekin, Çağlar; Kiranyaz, Serkan; Gabbouj, Moncef ( Elsevier B.V. , 2016 , Article)
      and third, multispectral approach is followed to generate multiple proposals instead of a single proposal as in Quantum Cuts. The proposed learn-to-rank algorithm is then applied to these multiple proposals in order to ...

      Padmanabhan, Regina; Meskin, Nader; Haddad, Wassim M. ( Elsevier B.V. , 2017 , Article)
      The increasing threat of cancer to human life and the improvement in survival rate of this disease due to effective treatment has promoted research in various related fields. This research has shaped clinical trials and ...
    • Left Ventricular Wall Motion Estimation by Active Polynomials for Acute Myocardial Infarction Detection 

      Kiranyaz, Mustafa Serkan; Degerli A.; Hamid T.; Mazhar R.; Fadil Ahmed R.E.; ... more authors ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2020 , Article)
      Echocardiogram (echo) is the earliest and the primary tool for identifying regional wall motion abnormalities (RWMA) in order to diagnose myocardial infarction (MI) or commonly known as heart attack. This paper proposes a ...
    • Leveraging Quality of Service and Cost in Cyber-Physical Systems Design 

      Kotronis, Christos; Tsadimas, Anargyros; Nikolaidou, Mara; Anagnostopoulos, Dimosthenis; Dimitrakopoulos, George; ... more authors ( Springer , 2019 , Conference Paper)
      Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) comprise multiple cyberparts, physical processes, and human participants (end-users) that affect them, and vice versa. During the design of such systems, it is critical for the designer to ...
    • Life is engineering program: Impact of an engineering outreach project in K-12 

      Abdulwahed M.; Ghani S.; Hasna , Mazen; Hamouda A. ( IEEE , 2013 , Conference Paper)
      The demand for qualified national engineers is high in Qatar; Currently, a wide gap in supply exists. Consequently, urgent and proactive interventions at K-12 level to promote engineering profession to school students are ...
    • Lifetime maximization for greedy selective relay strategies 

      Mousavifar, S.A.; Leung, C.; Khattab, T. (2009 , Conference Paper)
      In this paper we propose a new algorithm for selective relay strategies with Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relays which improves the relay network lifetime. The lifetime of the relay network is defined as the maximum number of ...