Pre-service Teachers' Perception of their Educational Preparation
The present study aims at investigating pre-service teachers’ perception of
their educational preparation in three post-graduate diploma programs at Qatar
University College of Education. A questionnaire consisting of six study domains was
used. The study domains are planning and preparation for instruction, classroom
environment, professional responsibility, teaching skills, time allotted for learning
different subjects, and time allotted for learning certain skills. Pre-service teachers'
demographic characteristics such as gender, age and study majors were investigated in
relation to the six main domains.
Moreover, the study examined the extent to which the six study domains
predict pre-service teachers' preparation. A total of 53 participants completed the
questionnaire in a voluntary base. Findings of the study suggested that pre-service
teachers have positive views about their educational preparation. The majority of the
study participants responded they have been well prepared. There were statistically
significant differences found between the study domains and pre-service teachers' age,
gender and study majors.
- Educational Sciences [39 items ]